Saturday, August 30, 2003
I'm really self-destructive, but not in anyway that I can explain at this moment. Forget I said it.
Ok, so when the VMA's were on the other night, MTV2, being my lover that it is, played several hours of Subterranean. Instead of watching all of it, I flipped back and forth, but still, it rocked my socks. Then I watched again last night, so I've been super-indie for a couple of days. Woo.
Yesterday, Steph, Frank and I went to East and walked around for a bit to see where our classes were. I pretty much had an idea about all of them, but then I got to Modern World History, and looked at the room number and it said, "Mod 2," and though, ah shit. Steph had Mod 4 later on in the year, and we wanted to know what the hell Mod meant, so we went to the office, and they told us. Heh. Turns out we have to walk to Holicong and it's in one of the portables. FUCKING A. If it rains, snows, anything, I need to bring a jacket with me and crap. Dammit. Well, I have "A" lunch for the first time ever, which I guess is good, but it's so damn early. Steph has "D" lunch and Frank has "C" lunch, so no luck there. :( Oh yeah, and it turns out that I'm on a different bus with different people now. Brittany and Dana aren't going to be on my bus, so if I do perhaps chunder, no one's going to be there to help me...or not notice at all (Dana) haha.
SO yeah, I'm pretty set for school, I won't forget to bring a towel, and Junior year is going to be tough, but I have to make the best of it, because no matter where I go, I'm going to be torn from people Senior year. In times like these, I remember a philosophical saying my parents have taught me..."This fucking blows." Peace out, ima gonna have some lobsters now! Woo!
7:37 PM | Jacquie |
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Yesterday I went over Frank's house, and from there we went school supply shopping...ok, HE went, but I went for emotional support. Especially when he had to explain to his mom that instead of having loose leaf paper in a binder, he was going to have notebooks for every class and put them in his binder. Maaan. We went to Target and as soon as we went in, I saw Jess and we spazzed out. I found out she's in my French AND AP Bio classes, I'm so happy! Her mom and brother were there too, and I talked to Mrs. Bowman for a bit...but I mostly spazzed with Jess. After we didn't find anything we went to Staples, and Frank got his shiz and we both split a pack of super neato (should that be hyphened?) silver Sharpies to write on our binders with! WOOO! Then we went back to his house and watched the episodes of Clone High he downloaded (with his cable modem, I'm so jealous.) and they were hilarious. Especially the ADD one..."Am I DYING?" Haha, go ADD. I like puppies.
I went to a Student Council meeting today, and MJ was there because Elena brought him...even though he's not in Student Council. He's actually going to apply for it now though! All Student Council people have to be in school on the 2nd instead of the 3rd because it's the Sophomore's first day and we have to tell them where to go if they get lost and do stuff for their pep rally and such. That was a mighty long sentence. Nick didn't have a ride, and he was trying to get a ride from everyone, it was so funny. I got my stupid "obligation" issue taken care of, and yeah. I have a stomahc ache, y'all. I'm sick of typing.
5:00 PM | Jacquie |
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
So, braces are off, teeth look huge, life is good, got free bleach, went to McDonald's, Pepsi Vanilla tastes like Vanilla Coke, and tonight...I'm making catfish! Woooooweee.
6:56 PM | Jacquie |
I haven't posted in a while, and I'm really tired right now, so I'll do my best.
On Friday I went to the mall with Frank and his mom, and Frank got really expensive sneakers. I'm not saying how much, because I want to protect the lucky. We went to GameStop, and when we walked out, Frank said that he was the coolest guy in there because he had a girl with him. Sad, but true. A good time was had by all.
As soon as I got home, I went to Bridesburg, and if you haven't read any posts about Bridesburg before from me, it's basically "Little Poland" in Philly, and it's where my beloved great-grandmother lives. Heh. Aunt Viv and I had to do some stuff for her before we went to some guy Bill's 60th Surprise Birthday Party, and unfortunetly, he washer leaked through the ceiling and I had to mop crap up downstairs. That's right, feces. Anyway, kidding, her house was like 150 degrees because her a/c was broken and there aren't any fans. While I sat downstairs, Jeff called, and I talked to him because he just had gotten back from Aruba (lucky bastard) and I tried picking up trash and talking to him while getting yelled at, but it didn't work too well. After that I vaccumed and we got ready to go.
We had to roll the Queen Mother (emphasis on MOTHER) down to this catering hall called Fran Lee, and I started getting introduced to all of these relatives of mine who I had met a looooong time ago. Once again, I felt REALLY weird being there, but since Uncle Charles couldn't go because, I don't know, he got LYME DISEASE, I volunteered. So Bill was surprised, the food was good (especially when wiped off your great-grandmother's mouth...ewww...) and the music, as expected....sucked. Good music can never be played at a family function, it's just not done that way. Chicken dance, hokey pokey, "We are family," you name it. I realized that had it not been for the 70's, we wouldn't have those stereotypical wedding/party songs that we've all come to hate. Anyway, I didn't dance much, in fear that I'd slip on my own vomit. My great-great uncle Joe made me slow dance with him, and it's sad when a guy in his 60's can dance better than you when you're a teenager. He asked how we did it today, and I showed him and he said, "Is this what the guys do?" and slipped his hands down really fast then up again, it was so funny...yet entirely accurate...He also said how "damn pretty" I was, so at least my self-confidance was ok. My aunt danced with my great-great aunt Renee when they played a Polka, and they rocked the hizzy. It was pretty fun, and I guess it exceeded my expectations. I met a lot of people who I'm just going to call cousins because I don't want to get into that. We wheeled Bach (short for Bachelism, I know the spelling's wrong) home and I got to see my gotheed great-grandmom in her bra. That image will forever burn in my head. I did NOT need to see what the effect of gravity is on an 86-year-old woman. *Shudder*
Saturday, there was a partay at the humble Wendell abode, and everyone had a good time. The pool was freezing, and I got out when the guys started playing rugby in the pool. I have to admit one thing, that bathing suit I wore exposed a LOT. I got mad props, fo shizzal. After hanging out in the pool and such, I went to change, and when I came back, everyone was gone. They all went to the "secret surprise" thing, which was a bonfire where we made s'mores and hot dogs (or burned sticks...) and Dana and Bridget put candles, chairs, radio, string lights (with DMB on it, gag haha) and stuff around so it was a cool atmosphere. Jeff and I sat together and had our own party. It got really cold, and I was freezing with my flip flops on. It was great seeing everyone again, and I had a lot of fun, I just wish Steph would have made it. Maybe we could have played some "Truth or Dare"....
Yesterday I went to Target and got some new sheets for my new bed. No, I didn't get your sheets Nadia, but I saw them there! I got some purple striped sheets, a comforter to match, a purple bean bag cube, a purple trash can that says "WASTED" on it and a pink storage thing for my CD's. This all amounted to a grand total of $50. I might get a little table, but I have to see about how much space my little room will allow for it.
Today I cleaned and read. Woo. I finished "A Picture Of Dorian Gray" and it was really good. The last two nights I had to help make dinner, because Uncle Charles isn't feeling well, and cooking's not as hard as I thought it was. Last night was chicken, tonight was ribs, tomorrow...BRACES OFF! Well, it's not food, but I'm excited! Actually, TODAY I'm getting them off, and so is Jeff. We found out when I was on the phone with Jeff at Bach's house. FreEeEaky shizzle. I have big front teeth, so I might look weird. Oh well, I'll write back atcha later!
12:44 AM | Jacquie |
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Everything that could have went wrong before the concert pretty much did.
My mom picked me up at 3:30 at dad's house, and we went to Tim's. I was so anxious to leave that I kept pestering my mom to leave and she gave me the response, "Jacqueline, we'll get there on time, don't worry about it." She's always late, I even said it to her, and she said, "I'm never late." Sure...
After a while, we left around 6. We stopped at Burger King on the way there, and my mom asked the guy at the window if he wanted to go to a Radiohead concert, because we had 3 extra tickets (my mom's friend Jim and his son as well as Dana were supposed to go, but they couldn't) and the guy just kind of gave us a blank look and we drove away.
It took us about an hour to get to Philly, and we decided to take the ferry across to Camden as opposed to going over the bridge to Camden because it would be quicker that way. One problem: Burger Kind got the best of me and I ended up in the bathroom for about 15 minutes. It wasn't pleasant.
I felt better, and we got in line to go on the ferry, and the line was ridiculously huge. I feared that we'd miss the opening act, Steven Malkmus and the Jicks, because they went on at 7:30, but my mom said, "You came to see the band on the ticket." Still. Anyway, we waited in line, and I listened to the people behind us talking about "Metrosexuals" and how awesome "The Bruce" was in concert, and I tried my best not to chunder on myself. We thought we'd make the ferry over, but they cut us off and we had to get on the next one. I was pissed. We waited about 15 minutes for everyone to get on, and Tim started talking about the ferry sinking, getting shot down, etc. while I freaked out. The city skyline looked cool as we crossed the river, and I got some pictures.
We got off the ferry and walked to the Tweeter Center. There was some Jazz Fest going on right by it, and I asked if I could leave mom and Tim there, and later on I thought that they'd probably like that better. We got through security, and I bought a "Hail To The Thief" T-shirt for $30 and we walked into the Tweeter. We saw a million people on the lawn, and our seats in the 200-level were in the center and turned out to be very good. We sat for about 10 minutes, waiting for Radiohead to come on, while they played reggae music over the sound system. After every song, people started cheering, and another song came on and dissapointment swept over everyone.
Finally, Radiohead entered at 8:45, and everyone went crazy. They started with "The Gloaming" and everyone was up and dancing/spazzing/flailing, the likes. My seat was good, but people started flooding the aisles and being short sucks. Anyway, that was the least of my worries, because the concert was AMAZING. I'm not exaggerating, I wish I could have shared the experience with someone else, someone who appreciates Radiohead, because it was awesome. They played a lot of songs from HTTT in the beginning (There There, Sit Down. Stand Up., Where I End and You Begin) and then they began "Exit Music" and I couldn't believe they were playing it. It was moving. Next came "Backdrifts" and then, which was a good surprise, they played "Lucky" and it was awesome to see the energy when they sang it live, the guitar wailed, and everyone was singing along. "Paranoid Android" was awesome as well, and everyone went nuts. "Sail To The Moon" with the piano was beautiful, and they did a re-vamped version of "Kid A" and I didn't even recognize it in the beginning! I was so happy they played "Go To Sleep," but even happier when they played "Like Spinning Plates." On the album, the background is backwards and done with beats, but Thom played it on the piano, and it was even better than before. "I Might Be Wrong" was really energetic, and that was another crowd pleaser. One big surprise was "Talk Show Host," a b-side/fan favorite, and I was happy they did that. When "Idioteque" started, I totally freaked out, because that's my favorite song from "Kid A." "Fake Plastic Trees" was rockin' but people kept cheering, and I wish they'd let him sing, or sing along because it was so quiet in the beginning. They ended the set with "The National Anthem" and I thought about my man Eric Wagner, because he said that's his favorite RH song. It was awesome, hornless, but nonetheless rocktastic.
They left the stage, and everyone kept cheering, and the rock gods came back onstage for the first encore. They started with "Nice Dream" and that was one I thought I'd never hear live. It was so beautiful live, and even more so when everyone's singing along. They started a song with Thom on the piano, but Jonny had some technical problems and they tried a few times, and Thom got up from his bench, and leaned on the piano and tapped his foot, which was really funny. Instead, they played "My Iron Lung" and I'm so glad, because it was as good as it will ever be, guitar and everything. I wanted my camera during that song, but Tim and mom went to the b-room, and Tim had my camera. Next they played "No Surprises" and everyone, including me, went crazy on the line, "Bring down the government, they don't, they don't speak for us." It was a great moment. They closed up the first encore with "Karma Police," which Thom said was about "Peace, harmony, and getting rid of weirdos," which amused me, because a lot of the people there, including myself, just happened to fit into that category.
Everyone whipped out their lighters and sure enough, they came back for a 2nd encore, after my mom said, "Are they done yet?" A little bit of a role reversal there, haha. They played "2 + 2 = 5" and people went crazy with "All hail to the thief," as was expected. They ended with an insane rendition of "Everything In Its Right Place" and the beat and energy was uplifting. The song ended with Jonny and Ed messing around with Thom's vocals on with distortion things on the stage floor, and they left the stage with the word "FOREVER" scrolling in lights by the stage. It seemed that both the distortions AND the memory of the concert lingered in my brain...forever. Everyone cheered like crazy, and my mom was pushing me to get out, when it was over, but I wanted to stay anyway, to cheer and such.
It was the best concert I could ever for. I wish they would have played "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" because I know it would have been awesome live, but still, they surprised me, rocked me, and left me with a memory that I'll savor "FOREVER." The feeling of being part of a giant voice created by all of the enthusiastic fans all singing in unison, and bobbing up and down and not worrying about looking like an ass was just great, like my soul was freed by music was just incredible. I can't even describe it.
There were some oddities, like expected, that I saw there and I'll highlight them for my amusement, and maybe you'll enjoy it too. Some guy standing in the aisle next to me was smoking pot and flailing around, and ended up bumping into my mom, and she commented that, "He was invading my space." I think I got a second-hand high. These two blonde girls two rows in front of us were dancing the same, and they looked like they were at a club opposed to a Radiohead concert. This woman in front of me, who looked like a mom stuck by herself while her child ran off, was standing with her hands together, moving them back and forth. Maybe she was praying to get out of there.
I want to add that were lights behind the band that changed color and pulsated with the beat, which indirectly added to the energy and overall quality of the show. There were also monitors next to the stage, so that the lawnies could see the band. Thom flailed like usual, and it seemed like he was a puppet master. Whenever he danced around, got excited, or waved the crowd to cheer it affected everyone. Jonny was great as well, doing his thing like usual, doing solos like they should be done. He has a certain aura about him, he's like an artist; he's quiet, independant, and his hair hides his face in a mysterious manner. Ed was great too with backing vocals, peace sign tee, and his little "percussion" solo in "Paranoid Android." Colin sang along in the background like any fan would, which was good to see that he was just as excited to be there as we were. And of course, Phil beat the hell out of the drums (and is a sharp dresser as well!). The band was no less than extraordinary, and their energy and how much they wanted to be there really left an impression in me.
After the concert, we exited the Tweeter and before we got on the ferry (first one, woo hoo!) we saw a guy peeing by a little tree and my mom was yelling at me to look at the penis. What a role model! Tim and my mom were imitating the pothead guy by waving their arms and crying "Radio radio radio head!" If I wasn't embarrased before, I definitely was then! I ran ahead of them and we got in the car (after the smoked, gag) and went home. On the way home, my mom suddenly realized...
...we ran out of gas.
We pulled over by an exit, and Tim ran off and looked for a gas station. Mom and I stayed in the car, and listened to y100 as they did a "Concerty Echo" and played the Radiohead $2 Bill performance. The more Radiohead, the better. Tim came back, said he couldn't find one, then ran off another way. Poor guy! A spider crawled into my mom's window and I screamed and she freaked out and started whacking it. She sat in the passenger's seat after that. I had to go pee REALLY bad, but my mom wouldn't let me run off and answer my call from nature, but I don't blame her. I was almost in pain from holding it in. Tim came back, after an hour since we ran out, filled her up, then we went to a gas station down the room, and I dashed to the bathroom. Ahhh. After that, we had a flawless ride home, and I got home around 1. I had some 'splainin' to do, for sure.
In conclusion, that was one of the best nights of my life, even though it had its problems, but it made me appreiciate the concert even more in a way. I still can't believe it happened, it seems more like a dream, but I can assure you, it was a damn good one.
3:42 PM | Jacquie |
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Wow, haven't blogged in a while, but YOU didn't miss me! That's right, I'm talking to you, shank-HO! I'm sorry, the Microsoft worm has invaded ME. *Snort* Jacquie made a funny, because Windows ME, but me like myself and ah. I need a life.
Not too much has happened. Last week was a lot o' nothing. Friday was the pickanick at Meg's and it was tres enjoyable. Put an emphasis on the "able" and it sounds French. I got about 25 mosquito bites in result, but singing Spice Girl and Weezer songs, making smores, and having sex on a tramp...oline made it fun to get the life sucked out of me by West Nile carrying pests. I said bye to Jeff, who's now in Aruba (stupid cooter) but he got me a teddy bear in Maryland that has a t-shirt saying "Someone at Maryland loves me" so I'm not mad at him at all! It was SO cute, thanks Jeffykins!
Saturday noight I babysat my brothers and Tim's kids at Tim's house. Why? Because my mother fails to specify when she says "We have something to do" meaning "I have to go to a 40th birthday party, so I'm going to dump 4 boys on you while I get boozed up." I at least got to watch Sex and the City, and she came in while I was watching the Best of Molly Shannon on SNL. Fun. Then I slept in a bed next to Jake's, Tim's 4-year-old son, bed, and he breathed heavily, snored, and moaned in his sleep. I boycotted sleep that night.
Sunday, I went with Frank and his parents and sister to Lake Nockamixon to help them do shiz with the boat. Frank got highlights, and they look fabulous. Fabulous is a cool word. I had fun helping them, because they're so cool, especially Frank...'s dad. Haha, I was teasing Frank that his dad was cooler than him, but he should know I'm ONLY KIDDING. We ate chinese food when we got back, and I went home and watched most of the Denis Leary Roast. Funny stuff. I can't wait until Frank comes to East. We're going to rule the hizzy.
Yesterday was shit. I read a lot. I was very tired.
Today was eh. Archaeology camp again, it sucked like usual. I came home, and we went shopping for...bras. For me. I'm now a size A, not A- anymore, hehe. We went to Target, the famous boutique, and didn't find crap. I have a dilemma, ladies and gents. I'm a size 32A. The smallest they have in the WOMEN'S section was a 34A. THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE A 32B! Plus, everything was WAY padded, and that would look ridicufrickinlous if I waltzed into school with, say, boobs. I found 32As in the kids section. Go figure. I actually almost cried, which was stupid, but I'm tired of being trapped in a 12-year-old body. No bras, but I stumbled upon Raspberry Milanos and some Uh-Oh Oreos. By the way, I think Teletubbies named those. Think about it.
We went to Big K (they named it that to make KMart sound more badass) and the same thing happened. At least I bought some cheap panties and my 1st thong, WOO. Actually, not woo. They suck. I found some more 32As in the girls section, and I was about to tear the place up if I didn't get my ass out of there soon. Heads would ROLL. We had to go to the electonics and such section to look for some Lionel Ritchie cassette Bachelism wants (she's working her way into the 80's now) and after not finding anything, we walked back and I saw Kyle Angebrandt and turned around and waved. I must have look stupid because I waved while holding 4 pairs of women's panties in the other hand. Ah well, he can think about it all he wants...really, he can...ah shit. No one wants a suburban booty with a side of A- titty fritters. Titty fritters...I'll have to keep that one in mind.
I'm listening to Beatles 1, searching for my breasteses, and by the way, question, what happens when you give a mammogram (sp?) to someone with implants? Think about it, give me an answer if you can.
If I can't grow vertically, maybe the cookies I got today can make me expand horizontally. I can only hope. I'm out like me in the Hooters International Swimsuit Competition.
8:39 PM | Jacquie |
Sunday, August 03, 2003
Last night I saw Seabiscuit again with Jeff, and when I got out of the car, I saw none other than Anton! It was crazy shiz, and when Jeff went in to buy tickets, Anton and I talked...and once again asked me why I wasn't going out with Sean because, and I quote, "You two were meant for each other!" Riiiiiiight. Just as much as chopsticks were meant for cleaning toilets. Don't ask. After the movie, we ran into Aubrey, actually she sneaked up on us, and we chatted it up. I was so happy to see "12" again (guess how he got that nickname in MD...) after 3 weeks. Yayfulness.
Today I went to Diane's for the sole purpose of downloading songs and burning them so I could get rid of some of the songs on my dad's computer because a) he's not getting a CD burner for me right now and b) he's been bitching too much about the computer being slow (when really it was a piece o' shite computer to begin with and we have a 56K modem. Der.) Guess how many songs I actually downloaded...are you guessing? Good. 10. What the hell. Anyway, I burned them (8 of them are on my dad's computer) and I named it "Songs For A Frolicker (i.e. Me)" because I can and I did. Here's the song list along with my useless commentary:
1) Ben Folds Five ~ "Army" (Best song ever.)
2) Blur ~ "Song 2" (or what I said to Steph, "Or for people who don't know the title of the song 'WOO HOO'")
3) Queen ~ "Bohemian Rhapsody" ('Nuff said.)
4) R.E.M. ~ "It's The End Of The World" (I'm not going to say what day I so insentively sang that song on...)
5) Sleater-Kinney ~ "I'm Not Waiting" (OBNOXIOUS...but fun to scring (scream/sing))
6) The Flaming Lips ~ "Vaseline" (funny song)
7) The Postal Service ~ "Such Great Heights" (HIGHLY recommend it, it's like Prozac in music form.)
8) Violent Femmes ~ "Blister In The Sun" (You HAVE to act like a moron when you sing this song!)
9) Yeah Yeah Yeahs ~ "Bang" (The title says it all. Horny slutty fun.)
10) Yeah Yeah Yeahs ~ "Date With The Night" (More fun, but the version I downloaded got screwed up. Arg.)
I also got a haircut from Diane's sister, Sandy, and it's just a trim, but next time we're thinking something a little more...drastic. Maybe even not fro-ish. GASP! SPUTTER! I know, you'll just have to wait and see. I'm off to um...yeah.
9:19 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.