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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

"I think one thing that you should focus on is a deeper understanding of both areas that you are reading about...victimization and friendship networks. Become an expert."

Become an expert.

In my 21 years, I have yet to be an expert on anything. As much useless knowledge as I've accrued, never have I once believed that I could spout off information in a truly scholarly fashion. As far as victimization and social networks of preadolescent children are concerned...yeah, I doubt that I'll really ever be well-versed on the subject. Who knows. I'll probably end up playing Six Degrees of Nicki Crick (*one of the original researchers of relational victimization) by the end of this summer.

I just took a diagnostic GRE on Monday. Prognosis: much studying is needed. My combined score for Quantitative and Verbal was an 1140. Ick. Perhaps it's due to the paucity of occasions that I dabble in high brow literature or 9th grade math. Or perhaps I'm too jocund about more exciting things and life in general that I forget to take time off and focus on the necessary (soul crushing) things that furthering my education requires me to do. Regardless, I need to bone up a bit more before begging grad schools to let me in.

And then I get to thinking. Do I really want to be involved in a system that puts (last) names first and people last? Are my classmates going to scoff at my school ring because I didn't go to an "esteemed" (familiar) institution? And then I think, well, I probably won't apply to places like that, and then I feel a bit better about my future. Whatever the hell that is.

2:42 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments

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