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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I was online taking (one of the five billion) personality tests, but this one seemed particularly interesting. It is a reworking of a test made prior to the famous Myers-Briggs personality inventory, and I got an interesting result.

My score: INFP (Introverted Feeling Aided by Intuition)

The description in the beginning is fairly accurate, but this passage knocked my socks off:

"At times, in fact, INFPs may seem fearful of exuberant attainment, afraid that current advances may have to be paid for with later sacrifices. The devil is sure to get his due if the INFP experiences too freely of success, or beauty, or health, or wealth, or knowledge. And thus, INFPs guard against giving way to relaxing in the happiness of mating. They may have difficulty in expressing affection directly, but communicate interest and affection indirectly."


Take the The Gray-Wheelwright-Winer 4-letter Type Indicator Test.

Post your scores in the comment box!

10:53 AM | Jacquie | 4 comments

Sunday, November 05, 2006

So, I'm focusing, focusing, focusing, getting stuff done. I'm on the train to Finishedpapertown, doing a little mental dance...
My cell phone rings - it's Grammi.
Aw shit. I love Grammi and everything, but this paper...and she's such a windbag...
The phone continues to ring.
I sigh, pick up the phone.
"Hey Grammi!"
"...It's your Uncle Billy."

Aw fuck. Another reminder that my family still maintains its level of fucked-up-titude. So, I talk to Uncle Billy. It turns out that he (finally) got the hat and shirt we sent him from Uncle Billy's hotel in Hilo, Hawai'i. Uncle Billy asked how the place was, I told him "Good. A little old, though."

He asked if I walked around in a thong bikini on the beach over there. Appalled by my modesty, he replied with "Hey man, I love conservative...ness and all, but you gotta strut your shit! You're beautiful, you got brains, I bet all the boys are drooling over you. What, you got 2, 3, boyfr-"

He also talked about whities like me (he's a native Floridian) and how Yankee chicks don't have tanlines when they take off their bras and panties. I've never heard albinos exoticized so much. It kind of made me want to vomit, actually. And I quote (not about me, mind you):
"That is so sexy, you’re like glow in the dark, man. You’re different, I liiiiiike it."

Then he made me send some guitarist an e-mail (under his stage name "Gimme Moor") about his latest album:
"Please contact Gimme Moor at ***-***-**** in regard to Strange Universe.
My Universe is not strange enough! Help! Help! Help!" ("Heh, I like that last part, it's good.")

God, I hope he was stoned.

As for this Freud paper...I'm taking another hiatus, I suppose. I wonder what ol' Siggy would have made of my beloved Uncle.

"Alright, I have to go. I'm knocking down the front of your Grandmother's garage."
(I was half-tempted to say, "For fun, right?" or some other snippy comment alluding to his destructive personality. I decided to hold off, however.)
"Oh, ok."
"We love you."
"What? Yeah. See ya."

I just realized that I have yet to call my dad back from a couple days ago; I haven't talked to him in a few weeks. I don't know what it is about the men in my family. The good ones die prematurely, and the rest sadly grip on to monotony until they eventually erode into nothing. If you think that's bad, don't even get me started on the women. Fuck. If genes play as big of a role on personality as I suspect they do (60%), I'm screwed. Like, big time. I'm probably beating a dead horse, but I really haven't vented in awhile. Perhaps, some of you have notice my bitchinocity. 'Tis why.

I'ma eat now. Peace out.

4:48 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The first 38 of the 100 Things I'd Like to Do Before I Graduate College (or Die, if I Get Lazy/Busy):

1) Learn the words to "It's The End of the World As We Know It (I Feel Fine)" by R.E.M.
2) Learn how to cook an actual meal.
3) Take more photographs, and/or carry a camera with me at all times (I kind of did this last year).
4) Learn some songs on the piano that I will remember (My current repetoire is...2?).
5) Learn how to play the piano in front of people without defecating myself.
6) If I ever think of something noteworthy, write it down in a notebook (make this a habit).
7) Take my brothers to a concert.
8) Study abroad: hopefully I'm going spring semester of next year, but I currently have no clue as to where I'm actually going.
9) Do the "Have a Nice Day" thing again (see "Wednesday, April 06, 2005").
10) Learn how to write with my toes and right hand.
11) Learn how to sew, then sew a Halloween costume.
12) Learn how to roll my "r"s.
13) Read 100 books, including at least one by Dostoevsky (The Idiot is staring me in the face right now.
14) Somehow do theater again; I really do miss it.
15) Figure out what I want to do, you know, life/job/school-wise.
16) Learn a little bit of another language (not French or Ebonics). I'm thinking sign language.
17) Wear my prom dress again (Yeah, it's a double-zero, but I wasn't even that tiny at the time).
18) Stop being afraid to do any creative writing/actually do some. Yes, you suck now, but maybe you won't later, Jacquie.
19) Become a better doodler.
20) Write a song for the piano that doesn't suck.
21) Go on a roadtrip.
22) Help re-plant my Uncle's garden.
23) Take a daytrip to NYC with friends.
24) Become better at DDR. So I'm a dweeb, no news there.
25) Become a mentor for a child.
26) This one's two-fold: write a stand-up routine, which would require me to become funny. Performing it is another story...
27) Fall in love. I'm a sap, also old news (Although you Moravian people might know me as Jacquie the Hopelessly Unaffectionate Bitch, or JHUB).
28) Go to Boston. Everyone says that it's awesome, so I'd like to see so for myself.
29) Learn all the words to "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel (which kind of goes along with #1).
30) See all of the "Twilight Zone" episodes.
31) Finish watching Season 2 of "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" and season 1 of "The O.C."
32) Go to a Salvation Army.
33) Improve my vocabulary. The fact that it's not the greatest irritates me more than I will ever let on. I'm sure I think about it daily.
34) Go up to a random person and introduce myself. Theoretically, it shouldn't be hard, but it is.
35) Take my aunt somewhere. Ok, so I took her to the movies once, but I have to do more than that. My uncle and she practically raised me.
36) Learn how to play the harmonica (a little, anyway). I figure, being the least talented person in a fake band is better than being a fake groupie.
37) Write to Mrs. Stem, Mrs. Holmes, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Schulze and Mr. Moyer, teachers that have believed in me and who I probably will never see again (Mrs. Holmes is a maybe).
38) Make a list of the different voices/impersonations I can do, and build on it. I have a secret (well, not so much anymore...) dream to do bits of voice acting. It will probably never happen, but it would be crazy awesome if it did.

4:29 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments

Me in a tree. Circa 1990.

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