Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Ugg. I'm skipping stat class this morning because it feels like the Trojan War is being reinacted in my stomach. In reality, this vomit stew is probably caused by a) thinking about death too much (this girl on my floor mom's died suddenly yesterday from a brain aneurism) b) getting flustered and angry over Zach c) procrastinating to the point where I'm on overdrive and d) It's probably that "time of the two weeks" (it's not month anymore because apparently, I'm a bad Pill taker). I just felt like venting a little (procrastinating some more) before I get back to work. I, and my stomach/abdominal region, could care less about Jesus and the Gospels right now, but that's life, right?
A tout a l'heure,
9:40 AM | Jacquie |