Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I think I’m just one giant paradox. Well, we all are really, but it’s interesting to take step back from yourself once awhile and just think about what you do and why.
Take my stance on Valentine’s Day. Yes, it’s that time of year when big business flourishes for no genuine reason. I comprehend the frivolity of “V-day” (which always makes me think of D-day) and understand that there is no point in celebrating Valentine’s Day. I’ve only been in one relationship that existed in February, and I didn’t even let my then-boyfriend, now friend do anything because to celebrate would just contribute to an installed tradition. Why should people feel obligated to give someone else something on one day of the year? Shouldn’t we have simple celebrations throughout the year dedicated to friendships and relationships?
I think you all get my point. Anyway, however vehemently I express my hatred of that day,” there’s a part of me that wants to subscribe to this stupid ritual. The self-proclaimed hater of Valentine’s Day has garish red garlands displayed above her TV and even has a sign that falsely advertises “Too Hot.” I confess, I seem to have privately partaken in a bit of the festivities, but I will say that my mom gave me the decorations. I’d never buy a “Too Hot” sign even if I felt like being particularly ironic.
I’m nonchalantly destroying candy hearts with my teeth while listening to Fiona Apple. It just doesn’t make any damn sense.
As of late, I’ve seemed to replace a portion of my patience and good nature for sarcasm and cynicism...especially around guys. My chest pains aren’t getting any better, and maybe my attitude is the root of the problem. I vowed never to develop the hard heart that I’m genetically predisposed to have, so maybe I need to take a step back and evaluate myself more often...
And now for something completely different.
Hi, I’m Jacquie, (you: “Hi Jacquie”) and I have an addiction to the Winter Olympics. It’s that time of the...4 years, and I again find myself glued to the boob tube. If you know me at all, the words “competitive sports” strikes fear in my heart (both separate and together) but the Olympics are totally different.
My favorite event in the Winter Olympics is figure skating. I morph into a huge heap of dweeb whenever figure skating comes on because there’s a part of me that yearns to be as graceful as the skaters are. Even when I did ballet, I was horribly uncoordinated. Just as some people are naturally graceful and beautiful, I’ve always been the opposite. Ok, I can do some funny impressions and voices and I’m decent in school, but sometimes I wish I were...elegant. I’d love to be able to charm the pants off of people, but a) I say things like “charm the pants off of people” and b) I’m a bit lacking in the eloquence department (“The award for Biggest Understatement of 2006 goes to...”).
Maybe all of this Valentine’s Day nonsense is getting to my head. All I know is that there is a body pillow with my name written all over it...and some sheets in the laundry. Crap.
Well, Happy V-Day, even if you’re a non-believer such as myself. Oh, and some advice: don’t eat the conversation hearts. The candy is shitty, and so are the “conversations.”
12:48 AM | Jacquie |