Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I went to the shore with Zach from last Wednesday to Saturday. Fun stuff. We waited in line for Harry Potter on Friday night because we are uber-nerdy. We walked 50 blocks to the book store and 50 back. We nearly died in the process.
I think the comment thing on here dissapeared, but since nobody comments anymore, I don't feel like replacing it. (I probably wouldn't feel like replacing it even if people commented, but whatever.)
My mom's accepted the fact that I'm not getting a job this summer. Funny, I was going to start looking again just for fun...
She did, however, take away cable. I guess I had it coming. No more documentaries for me, I suppose. I didn't even get to finish the one I was watching about They Might Be Giants. Sigh.
Nick (Marina's brother): "So you don't have a job either?" Me: "Nope." Nick: "It's alright, just live life." Me: "Yup."
So, instead of working, I'm going to focus on improving myself. I'm going to start a fitness routine. I ripped it out of a magazine, and I'm going to take a stab at self-discipline. I've realized how ridiculous this sounds; the different lobes of my brain even have a pool going for how long I'm going to do it. Wish me luck...?
Oh, I cleaned the kitchen for two hours last night from 11 PM to 1 AM.
I think this is all due to cable withdrawal, but I'll pretend it's "motivation." (Is that a French word? Je ne sais pas...) I need to get some of that for college. Maybe they sell it on the black market in pill form; I'll have to check into that.
5:16 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.