Monday, January 31, 2005
Well, bloggita, it's been awhile. I guess I'll catch up on things with you.
I had a very interesting conversation about 10 minutes ago. Basically, I called DeSales University, and told them my situation.
Situation: Applied in October. October 20th: received letter stating that they have received all application materials and I would hear from them within 4-6 weeks.
After being shoved from person to person (similar to the Ali/Jess Bowman tug-of-wars with my arms in 3rd grade)in the admissions office, I talked with some dude.
Me: Uh hi. I applied to DeSales in October, and I got a letter back saying that I'd hear within 4 to 6 weeks if I was accepted and...I haven't heard anything yet.
Mr. Dude: Oh, ok. What's your name.
Me: Jacqueline Baker.
Dude Man: Is that J-a-c-l-y-n? There aren't others ways to spell that, are there?
Me: It's J-a-c-q-u-e-l-i-n-e, and actually, there are a lot of different ways.
Dr. Dudie Howser: Oh, like J-a-c-k-i-l-y-n? I don't know. I'm not good with spelling. Hold on, I'm going to go look through things.
So the dude wonder looked for things, and after about 3 minutes, he came back:
Brother Dude: It seems that we don't have your application.
Me: What? I got the letter that said all of the application materials were received...
The Dudester: Ok, what is your phone number.
Me: 1-800-B____ (Not really, but I can't type it here. That would be awesome, though.)
Mighty Dude: Alright, I'm going to go look some more, and I'll call you back. Ok?
Me: Yes, thank you.
And now I think I'm going to vomit, which is the state in which I woke up today...hence the not-going-to-school-ness.
Shit. I can't believe that they don't have it. And I'm sure with the brain surgeon admissions guy who repeatedly asked me what high school I go to (then responding with "cool"), this won't turn out wonderfully. Say good bye to that full tuition scholarship the interviewer hinted at, Jacquie.
Man, it's been a lovely day week. The South people left on Friday, which was another excellent day. Christina and I had our last choir class together, and while singing "Choose Something Like A Star" we both started to cry...and cry...and I couldn't control myself for at least another half hour. I still can't believe I did that in front of everyone, but I've known these people for quite awhile and I have a hard time adjusting to change. I don't believe that I've ever really "embraced" change, which is why college seems to loom overhead like a storm cloud.
And my uncle has lung cancer now.
Like they say, "Woo, senior year!" My thoughts exactly.
At least I have dinner to look forward to, and choir practice, which is usually not something that people enjoy. It's not home, nor school, so I'll take it.
Happy February.
4:48 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.