Tuesday, November 25, 2003
9 day break = *screams, jumps up and down, dances, etc.* (you get the point)
This weekend was awesome. Basically, I did nothing, with the exception of a few things. Sunday night was the Pollyanna at Jess's house. All I have to say is that singing ringtones and wearing my undies hiked up over my shirt are two of my new favorite hobbies.
Yesterday, Dan came and hung out at MY house. No one has done that in about 2 years. He brought DDR over, and I made an ass out of me old self, like usual. It was just Dan and my brothers, no biggie. My brothers even tried to DDR, it was funny. We watched Office Space, and looked at a MILLION picture albums. It was mad fun.
Doing nothing is great, and I feel like I should quote Peter Gibbons:
Michael Bolton: What did you do this weekend?
Peter Gibbons: Nothing. I did nothing and it was everything I thought it would be.
Hellz yeah. Happy Thanksgiving Day if I don't blog later!
1:18 PM | Jacquie |