Sunday, October 12, 2003
"I did nothing, and it was all that I thought it could be!" ~ Peter Gibbons, "Office Space"
That, my friends, pretty much sums up my whole weekend. I was so stressed out this week, I just wanted to do nothing, which is what I did, minus last night.
Frank, Tim and I went to go see "School of Rock," but it was sold out, so what did we see instead? Good Boy. Yes, we ARE 5. When we walked in about 20 minutes, I could pretty much tell that the audience primarily consisted of parents and children, and it was probably past their bedtime. So basically, the movie was HORRIBLE, but we made wisecracks about it the whole time. At this one part, the kid in the movie, Owen Baker (no WONDER why he was such an emo little kid, he was practically my brother) started to cry, and Frank was like "Ok, we're going to laugh NOW!" and we burst out laughing, I couldn't stop. Man, that was SO obnoxious, but it was so funny. The kid in the movie made THE GREATEST facial expression at this one point, basically, his mouth and eyes were wide open, and he grabbed his fair with his fist. It was what a true actor would do when a flying saucer is coming toward you.
Procrastination = cool...until you actually HAVE to do your homework. I'll be back soon, but one final thought-provoking question...Can someone give me a backrub? I'm really tense. Really? Thanks...ok, a little LOWER...ahh, good.
8:08 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.