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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

"The First Mutual Breakup In History"

ShadowLight 437: hello again
Zakolita: hey
ShadowLight 437: what did you need to talk to me about
Zakolita: well, it's very important
Zakolita: can you stay after?
ShadowLight 437: idk yet
Zakolita: oh
ShadowLight 437: can you just tell me now
ShadowLight 437: are you there?
ShadowLight 437: jacquie?
Zakolita: hey
Zakolita: my dad called me
ShadowLight 437: gay computer
Zakolita: haha
ShadowLight 437: i dont think i can stay after, so can we just talk now?
Zakolita: are you positive/
Zakolita: did you ask?
ShadowLight 437: yea
ShadowLight 437: no ride-age
ShadowLight 437: so
Zakolita: sorry, AOL sucks
ShadowLight 437: lol
ShadowLight 437: it happens
ShadowLight 437: so can we talk now or what
Zakolita: can I call you?
ShadowLight 437: im sposed to be working on honor society, so it prolly wouldnt be a great idea
Zakolita: me too
ShadowLight 437: lol
ShadowLight 437: so now or what
ShadowLight 437: cus i dont think tomorrow will work
Zakolita: alright fine
ShadowLight 437: so
Zakolita: Jeff, I'm not really happy with our relationship right now.
ShadowLight 437: you too?
Zakolita: yes...
Zakolita: what aren't you happy about?
ShadowLight 437: i dont think that you feel the same about me that you used to, and im not sure that i do either
ShadowLight 437: it just isnt fun right now
Zakolita: yeah
Zakolita: also
Zakolita: I'm not a very touchy feely person, if you've noticed
ShadowLight 437: i believe i have
Zakolita: yeah, that's a lot of it for me
Zakolita: I don't feel we have much of the relationship foundation that we used to
ShadowLight 437: agreed
ShadowLight 437: so...
Zakolita: I think it's better that we just be friends right now, and I'm saying that because I really mean it
ShadowLight 437: what do you mean right now
ShadowLight 437: does that mean temporarily or what
Zakolita: we'll just have to see what happens, I guess
ShadowLight 437: ya know what?
Zakolita: what?
ShadowLight 437: i say fuck temporary, cus we both know that we wont get back together anyway
Zakolita: yeah, pretty much
ShadowLight 437: the worlds first mutual breakup
ShadowLight 437: is that a record or what
Zakolita: that was CRAZY
Zakolita: haha
ShadowLight 437: lol
Zakolita: so yeah...
Zakolita: screw after school
ShadowLight 437: obviously
Zakolita: yup
ShadowLight 437: i knew that you were gonna do that
Zakolita: you didn't do it just so you wouldn't get dumped, did you?
ShadowLight 437: no
ShadowLight 437: i felt the same way you did dude
Zakolita: in that case, that's freaking hilarious
ShadowLight 437: i know
Zakolita: so wow
ShadowLight 437: so have you thought of who my replacement may be?
Zakolita: HAHAHAHA, nope
Zakolita: have you thought of anyone?
ShadowLight 437: im not saying the gears havent started turning, but nobody definite
Zakolita: yeah
Zakolita: this was really weird
ShadowLight 437: meh
ShadowLight 437: im down with it
Zakolita: sorry I've been so bitchy lately
ShadowLight 437: that was my clue man
Zakolita: see, I thought you didn't get it
Zakolita: I had no idea
ShadowLight 437: you thought i didnt get it?
ShadowLight 437: so you were doing that on purpose?
Zakolita: yeah, I thought you thought I was playing hard to get
Zakolita: yeah kinda
ShadowLight 437: at first i did
ShadowLight 437: so how long has this been formulating
Zakolita: like this week
ShadowLight 437: daves party wasnt it
Zakolita: yes.
Zakolita: did that do it in for you?
ShadowLight 437: idk
ShadowLight 437: so, for future reference, what was my big mistake, if there was one
Zakolita: the only one was that you were too clingy
Zakolita: how about me?
ShadowLight 437: funny thing, the exact opposite, if there is a word for it
Zakolita: I figured, I was too stand-offish? distant?
ShadowLight 437: good while it lasted
Zakolita: yeah, it really was
ShadowLight 437: another thing, even tho this wasnt your fault i dont think, is that you were never available to do anything
ShadowLight 437: but i was also away a lot, so...
Zakolita: yeah, exactly
Zakolita: and the not being in classes thing too
ShadowLight 437: we could have worked around that
Zakolita: but...yeah
ShadowLight 437: but didnt have the energy to do so
Zakolita: we're lazy mofos
ShadowLight 437: lol
Zakolita: I have to go finish my homework
ShadowLight 437: k
ShadowLight 437: have fun
ShadowLight 437: cya tomorrow
Zakolita: oh yeah, french cheetah projects are always enjoyable
ShadowLight 437: mmm
Zakolita: hahaha
Zakolita: bye!
ShadowLight 437: later

That...WAS INSANE! Maybe online WASN'T so bad after all...

9:54 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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