Monday, July 14, 2003
Kamp was krappy like usual. I hate it when people replace "c"s with "k"s.
I just came back from Sean's Bastille Day party, and it was really fun! We ate, talked, and Tori and I planned to make our own psychotic sailor show for children. That came about when Sean was telling us about Twelfth Night and how the director said she needed stage crew, sailors- and immediately we decided we're going to be sailors. Done deal. Sailors or nothing. Then we kept calling each other "Sailor Tori" and "Sailor Jacquie" and somehow we ended up deciding that we were going to have our own kids show with a sailor dance, the French national anthem being the theme song, and on it we'd blow up seagulls with Alka Seltzers. Man, I hope that show happens. It would be really kickarse. We also stood around with our cups of sparkling grape juice or apple cider while Sean and Adrianna attempted to sing the French national anthem. Aubrey and I looked for "firebugs" as Sean called it, and Sean showed me the statue that resembled him coincidentally. I got to see Julia again, which was great because I NEVER get to see her! Oh, and Lauren and I had a mini-duet of "If I Fell" at the end. Sean, if you're reading this, have another party...like, say, tomorrow. Really, I need something to do!
10:59 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.