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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Friday, February 28, 2003

It's pretty odd when your male doctor tells you what you missed on the last two episodes of American Idol...

So here's what happened. Yesterday, my voice was planning to eat me alive during the worst time possible, chorus. But, it laid dormant until I was asleep then BAM! I woke up with hardly a voice and a sore throat. I'm missing Oklahomo practice right now as I'm typing, and I wanted to go, believe it or not. Anyway, I went to the doctor, and I had a temperature of 97.7 because my body is weird like that. I also weigh 88 pounds. That's just not right! Maybe the scale I have that says I'm anywhere between 90-95 pounds is correct, and the one at the doctor's office makes people feel a little better by shedding a few of their pounds. While this can make some people feel great, it makes me feel horrible. I mean, I even had semi-clunky shoes on.

So doctor whatever came in and he was a nice guy, genuinely nice, not phony nice like most other doctors. It turns out that he has a daughter that is a junior at C.B. West. He prescribed two...prescriptions for me. One is a pill and the other is a cough syrup...with codiene...yay. When he mentioned that, I'm sure my eyes lit up. He told me not to "operate a backhoe or anything while you're taking this" and I said, "Ohhh right, heavy machinery." and then I thought of Mitch Hedberg because one of his jokes is something like, "On some medicine, it has a warning on it that says, 'Do not operate heavy machinery while taking this drug.' How about 'Do not operate heavy machinery...ever." Haha. So my uncle, who came in with me *rolls eyes* said, "I guess she can't use the computer then. " He said, "Well, I don't think the computer is heavy machinery" and I agreed and he said something about going on websites, especially the American Idol one, and I was like oh man, he totally knows. Then, he talked about the "hook" from the last episode, which I missed, so he filled me in on it. If he wasn't the father of a teenage girl, I'd be a slightly, no EXTREMELY concerned about this.

Steph has really good taste. I'm addicted to AddictingGames.com. I've been playing it since last night practically non-stop. Remember spank the monkey? They even have that! My brothers were playing it last night and they looked like they were either possessed or epileptic. Especially Scott. Mom and I just watched as they twitched and such. I think that was more entertaining than the game itself.

I can't believe it. My mom brought back a progress report thing from math at last night's Back To School Night (part deux) and I have a 97% and I'm ranked 1 in the class. I'm glad now that I don't take the high math class, because if I did, I'd have to shoot myself. Oh yeah, and we're having a Mardi Gras party in French on Tuesday. That's pretty much the ONLY good part about taking French.

3:27 PM | Jacquie | 1 comments


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