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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Here's a funny song that crackho Jen sent me:

"The Food Pyramid Song

The ancient pharoahs were not too bright they say,
but they made one contribution that I live by to this day
It's the food pyramid and its approved by the USDA

Whole grains are the foundation so please take my advice
have 5-11 servings of bread cereal, or rice
3-5 of vegetables and 4 fruits is best
their anti-oxidental fiber helps you to digest
3 serving of yogart, milk, and cheese
will help your bones and subsides the cattle industries
A body needs to grow, and growing taking proteins
that's why meat can be a tasty treat like fish or human beings
And when you eat your sweets, make sure you try
to limit your servings or u'll DIE


My body is a pyramid that's made of healthy food
So do what we say, eat right everyday
Buy American

If we all lived by this song. Maybe the world would be a better place"

Hahaha. Nice. She said that there was a song that goes along with that, which is trés awesome. I hope that accent was the right one.

Today, I went to the Montgomery Mallio and used my two gift certificates ($25 and $50). I gots me:

~1 pair of black pants that LOOK like jeans (very tricky)
~1 pair of blue jeans
~1 pair of capris (with no button! :( )
~2 CDs (Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head, Ben Folds Five - Whatever and Ever Amen)
~1 spring/fall jacket
~1 t-shirt from Hot Topic (COOKIE MONSTER!) and a matching wrist band
~1 top secret thingy
~Auntie Ann's cinnamon and sugar pretzel

...ok, so maybe I used some of my own money too. Alright, I used up ALL of my other money, but I haven't been to the mall in a few months, so it was worth it. Especially that pretzel.

I'm listening to the Coldplay CD now, and it's very melodic and calming. Last night, I watched the $2 Bill Coldplay on MTV from 1-2 AM. My mom came home during that, and from 2-6 AM they played a "U2 Video Timeline." Rock. Bono was SUCH a fox back then too. My mom said she might have been in the "I Will Follow" because she went to their first tour, and she was in the 3rd row, and the place looked like the place in the video. There were only 1500 people there, whoa. I only watched that for about 45 minutes, but it was pretty dayum good. Jacquie gets tired too, even though she's non-human. I should really stop talking in third person.

Oh yes it's Grammy night, and I'm feelin' right, oh yes it's Grammy night, oh what a (oh what a night). I guess I'll watch some of it, collapse on the ground and have a seizure during Springsteen's performance, then watch it some more. I hope Norah Jones beats out Springsteen for Album of the Year, because she can...how do you say...sing.

6:19 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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