Saturday, December 21, 2002
Today, about 30 some people from the sophomore chorus, including yours truly, went Christmas caroling at the Doylestown Shopping Center. Went we to the bank, The Children's Place, Annie Sez, Trac Records, Carroll's Jewelers, Acme, and Mountain Lake Spa & Pool- they gave us hot cider and cookies! It was fun.
That was the good part. Here's the bad. My brother has a stomach virus and last night, in the middle of the night/morning (whatever you want to say) he threw up on his bedroom floor and repeatedly in the bathroom sink. Yummy. He left the bathroom door open, so the light was shining in my face. So, I didn't really sleep all that well. This morning I was walking in the living room, and I stepped on something wet and I said, "EW! What did I just step on?" then it dawned on me. "Throw-up" Scott said, and I frantically hopped to the bathroom. I did it AGAIN later. Ewwwww...
2:12 PM | Jacquie |