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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

I had a quiz in Social Studies today, and one of the questions went something like this:
"The German U-boat attacks on the US were lead by Karl _____ of the German Army."
(Ok, SOMETHING like that)

So, basically, I had NO IDEA what that answer was. Then my quirky side took control on me. What did I put as the answer for that question....


So simple, yet so me. If you don't know who Karl Koch is, go here. Mwahahaha, I am so clever.

In a little while, I'm heading over to TMS for their holiday concert. I hope to run into some of my teachers, and I'm pretty sure I'll have an INTERESTING Cunfer moment to share with you all. All 6 of you that read this. Well, 7 including myself, but that would be pathetic. (No I do NOT have myself on my buddy list...damn. You found me out.) Anyway, I'm out of here, and off to relive my past at TMS.

Oh, and Nadia and I had a bitch slap match today in chorus. I'm emotionally and physically scarred. On Thursday, Nadge is going DOWN. So maybe I DID start it but whatever. She is. End of story.

6:51 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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