Monday, November 04, 2002
My mom had to go to the emergency ward last night. Weird, I know. And what do you suppose it was for? Her foot swelled, and they diagnosed her condition as cellulitis of the foot, which she thinks she got from a bug bite. It was pretty comical and that is the best excuse for missing two days of work. "Um, sorry, I can't come in because my foot is going to explode, sorry!" Malcolm In The Middle last night was HILARIOUS, and I have a feeling I'm going to end up watching it routinely as I've done in the past. I miss it. Speaking of missing, I missed called Frank last night by accident, so I have to call him now. That was a waste of time for anyone who read this, oh well, have a nice day and avoid cellulitis!
5:11 PM | Jacquie |