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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

While I was on the computer, I heard a "Jacquie!" and I turned around and Bridget was standing in my living room. "What are you doing here?!" Was my reaction. It was a good thing she was, by the way. So I went to Costco with her and explored the wonderful world of free samples! We got...rice, barbecued pork on a cracker, Healthy Choice fudge bar, a Philly something popsicle, Boca burger, pot roast, and maybe some others. Yummy! We went back for seconds on the fudge bar, and the Boca burger which is vegan (Brian Bell's type of burger!) and it wasn't half bad...it was all bad! No, I'm kidding, I just quoted those two muppet critic guys at the end of the Keep Fishin' video. Speaking of that video, I find a few things a little odd about it...

1) Rivers is smiling. Why is he smiling? It's actually...uh...cute...but, he's NEVER smiled ever. I bet they stuck a wire up his anal...behind (haha) and wouldn't take it out unless his smiled. Hey, the muppets had to deal with wires, why shouldn't he?
2) The muppets are wearing Weezer shirts. That's a tad surreal...
3) Brian was looking very cute as well as fashionable. That wasn't an odd thing, I just thought I'd note that.
4) Scott Shriner makes me ill. Also, not an odd thing.

Oh, anyway, Costco. Uh, after browsing around, I bought something. The fact that it was food wasn't a surprize...but it was a MAMMOTH-SIZED soft pretzel. I know they sell things there in large quantities, but I didn't know that the snack bar did the same thing. This thing was huge and it only cost 90 cents! From now on, if I run away, it will definetly be to Costco. You know where to find me.

6:41 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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