Saturday, July 20, 2002
I'm such an idiot. You know how I was all hyped up about that =w= concert they were going to show on MTV2 from last year? Why would they show one from LAST year? Well, they did NOT. Of course not, nothing I ever anticipate turns out right. So, they showed one from who knows when, and it featured green album songs (chokes and falls on floor) and my best buddy bassist, Scott "I have a gigantic sweaty head and squity eyes and I think I'm cooler than Mikey Welsh, Jacquie's favorite druggie bassist" Shriner. Plus, the Anal Goatman had the beard. AND, it sucked ass. I wanted to cry when they only played 2 old songs (both from blue, obviously). Why did I think they were going to play the concert from last year? On the advertisements, it showed a second long clip of the concert from last year. I spazzed whenever I saw that, it was awesome.
Oh, there's an ad thats running on MTV and/or MTV2 about Weezer's Enlightingment Tour and it shows clips from the videos for Buddy Holly, Undone, Hash Pipe, IITS, and Dope Nose (I think) Sigh. Here I thought they were playing Buddy Holly, but I was let down. Damn you, MTV. I DON'T want my MTV! Hmf!
Don't mind the screwed up crap to the left. That has to do with an error from the code for the comment box. I'll fix that ASAP (or in other words, when I feel the hell like it). The font also turned black, that was not my doing. Damn you, Blogger. I bet they'll take away my site now. Oh well, I don't have this huge audience anyway. If I was Jordan, I would be worried.
I'm still soulless, by the way. Woo hoo.
8:22 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.