Monday, July 29, 2002
Hey everybody! Steph has a blog now! Go here and experience the power of the Steph!
So, today was a grrrrreat day! Kellie slept over last night in order to finish the present today. We wanted to have it done before we all went to Dorney Park on Friday for her b-day. So, here's the deal. We made Steph a "quote quilt" as I called it. We bought this multi-colored quilted material (single color on each 2 1/2" square) and we got white "symphony" material and this adhesive stuff. (so we wouldn't have to so on the white squares which we were going to put inside jokes and quotes on, we'd just iron them on.) So, everything was going fine yesterday, until we ran out of adheasive. SO, we went back to Jo-Ann's Fabrics and got more adhesive and my uncle found this stuff to make an adhesive hem, so we wouldn't have to so ANYTHING! So we went home and worked on it some some. THEN, when it was all ironed on, it was too thin and was semi-transparent and didn't looked very quilt-like. Kellie slept over and we stayed online until about 12:30 talking to her hubby Keith and she made a really cute picture of their "special moment" on the beach. (Nothing sick, you perv!)
This morning we went BACK to Jo-Ann's again, and got thicker material to iron on OVER the other material so it would look like a quilt and would contrast to the rainbow colors better. Well, 3rd time's a charm, and we worked really hard, wrote quotes and memories on the white squares and put a picture of all three of us pre-Holiday dance in 8th grade on a large diamond-shaped white square in the center. It looks awesome! We signed the back of it, and then went to surprise her! Online, Kellie told Steph that we wouldn't be finished for another week, so Steph wasn't expecting anything. On our way to drop off Kellie, we went to Steph's house to surprise her! In the car me and Kellie were spazzing up a storm, because 1) We were proud of what we did and 2) We know Steph would like it! We surprised her and she had Kellie's and my present there! So we did an early (well not exactly EARLY because our b-days were in June, but earlier than we thought) gift exchange. They made me open mine first! They drug out this big box and it had all sorts of things taped to it. It was very odd, but very Jacquie-esque! There was a bag taped to the top with a b-day hat on it, so of course, I put it on. In the bag was a doggie! Ok, only Jen, Steph and Kellie can get that one. There were also two necklaces and all sorts of goodies as well. But the best part was INSIDE the box. I opened it up, and there was a heavy rectangular thing in it. It was rapped (numerous times) in tissue paper and it had a portrait of me made in yarn. Interesting! So I opened it ("I don't want to rip 'myself'!") and inside was a framed collage! It had my named spelled in cut out letters at the top and pictures of all these different events on it. It also had the lyrics to "Lean On Me" and other song lyrics/poems on it. It is really awesome, and I thanked Kellie and Steph for it! (Thank you sooooooo much! I love it!) So, I'll put it on my wall! Kellie opened the scrapbook we gave her of all of these photos and captions we wrote to them, and other things like magazine cutouts and inside jokes. She loved it, and that made me happy! So then Kellie and I had another spaz attack when Steph opened her gift. We were so proud of it after all we went through to complete it. So Steph opened it and she loved it too! She's going to hang it on a newly-painted wall in her room. All in all, it was a great (belated) b-day gift exchange! I'm glad it all worked out great, and I got a nifty collage out of it! Woo! That's what friends do for friends!
Oh, Kellie can't read my uncle's handwriting, but she's not alone. No one can. I don't know, somehow I've managed to decode some of it, which is really sad. This morning I picked up his shopping list and said "Kellie, try to read this." She took it and said
Kellie: "Hey! That looks like Supa Keith! What is it?"
Me: "Shop 'N Bag."
Kellie: "Oh....um...ok, that's Cocoa Puffs!"
Uncle Charles: "No, that's _______" (I forget what it was, I'll add it in later)
Kellie: "Oh! Haha! Um...Mook fish?"
Uncle Charles: "Monk fish."
Kellie: "...Chopsticks?"
Uncle Charles: "Cantalope."
It was so funny! We teased her about it all day. The mook fish for dinner was really good, actually, tasted like lobster!
10:02 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.