Saturday, July 06, 2002
Guess what? My mom is one sneaky...person. I didn't go to the beach like I said I was. Instead, she surprised us on the way "to the shore" by telling us instead we were going to Florida! my reaction: "WHAT?! OH MY GOD, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!" In fact, she was. We went to Florida and I got a chance to see my cousins, Tino and Nadia, my Aunt Valerie and Uncle Tino, my Grammi and her boyfriend John (or "Cuddles" as I call him) and of course, my drugged out Uncle Billy. Ech. I'm not even going to go into detail about the 5-day trip, because I have instead decided to write a short story about it. Jacquie writting willingly?! I know, it's not like myself, but since a lot of events both hilarious and downright scary have happened, I figured it was worth writing about. Plus, if my English teacher this year makes us write about this summer, I can just reprint it. Hah! Jacquie is quite on top of things.
I found this joke on a blog which I thought was pretty good:
What do you call a Frenchman who wears sandals?...
Phillipe Phillop!
Get it? If not, you're on your own.
<----- Notice I am in the process of changing this site a tad. (oOo aAa) Yes, I'm actually going to attempt to snaz it up and make it more of a "site" than just a weblog. It will most likely end up just like it was before. I'm still going to try though! I'll never let go! AH! I need to stop the Titanic quotage.
1:43 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.