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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Saturday, July 27, 2002

5 Pinkerton songs...5 PINKERTON SONGS?!?!?! I am unbelievably PISSED right now. As you know (or might not have known) Weezer played a show last night at the Tweeter Center on the Waterfront in Camden, NJ (right outside of Philly). I reeeeally wanted to go to it, but my parents are assholes. Ok, how long has the divorce been going on? Three years? Anyway, they STILL are in this stupid war with themselves and because of this I never get to go anywhere I want to. I go back and forth, every other week, and this concert just happened to fall on Queen Bitch's week. So I knew right away that the percentage chance I had of going was -1,982%. Grrr...Diane, my dad's girlfriend, offered to take me, but it was my mom's week, and my mom adores Diane (sarcasm) so it wasn't possible. THIS IS SO UNFAIR. If I could drive, I would have been down there in 2 seconds flat. HERE is the playlist from last night, and this is what I WOULD have heard had it not been for my parents. LOOK AT IT! How many Pinkerton songs did they play when I saw them last November exactly 8 months from last night? Zero. They played a lot of Green stuff too which made me sick. This would have been the night of my fucking (excusez my francais) life! AND, this was the biggest turnout EVER for a Weezer headlining show! This blows my mind! Ok, I'm done venting here, I'll go punch the wall until my knuckles gush....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I think I'm sick. Ok, I'll try to get my mind off of that *tear*. Today, we went to see the battleship U.S.S. New Jersey or whatever the hell it's called. The battleship was right near the freaking Tweeter CENTER AHHHH! Breathe in....breathe out. Phew. Ok, so it was all historical yadda yadda yadda. Mr. H would have liked it.

Speaking of Mr. H, I'm already getting nostalgic about Tamanend. Ok, I'm apprehensive and excited about going to East, but I'm starting to miss Tamanend. Heck, I wore my Tamanend visor today and all of a sudden thought about doing the "Reindeer Hula" back in 7th grade at the Holiday Concert. Don't laugh! I loved that song, and I wasn't even thinking about my years to come back then. I was just living in the moment, and it was so carefree and enjoyable. Now comes the burden of the dreaded SAT and block scheduling and most of all, making new friends. I'm excited about making new friends, but it's also the thing that worries me the most. I was talking to Frank's friend, Dan, a while ago online and he was telling me I'm going to miss Tamanend. Perfect! I leave the place and now I'll go running back to it like it was my moth-no, not my mother, uh, my computer. Sheesh. I think I'm going to get a bloody ulcer by the time I turn 16.

7:45 PM | Jacquie | 1 comments


heyy. i go to tamanend now and we had our closing ceremony today. im only in 7th grade, but it was really sad. i have (well, had) mrs. higgins for math, which is his wife.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:49 PM, June 18, 2008  

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heyy. i go to tamanend now and we had our closing ceremony today. im only in 7th grade, but it was really sad. i have (well, had) mrs. higgins for math, which is his wife.
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