Sunday, June 16, 2002
I'm going to post about the Freshman Dance and Freshman Day (tomorrow) after I get home from school tomorrow. Yes, I still have school. CBSD truly hates their students and does everything in their power to make us go to school more days. I think that the number of days in the entire school year gradually increases as the years go by. It's insane, and I feel bad for my little brothers (ages 7 and 8) because when they get to high school, they'll probably be going from august to the end of June.
I didn't feel like posting anything because I am very sick right now. My nose is trying to explode, my body aches, and I'm light headed. My mom seems to think that unless I'm dead or dying, I'm perfectly fine. When she's sick, the whole world stops for her. I'd go back to sleep, but once I wake up, 99% of the time I can't go back to sleep (especially during the day). The following is just a reminder to myself of which songs I want to download:
The Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn
Badly Drawn Boy - Once Around The Block
Boys II Men - MotownPhilly (the best song ever!)
Every song Bjork has ever writen - because Dana and I worship her...and her...uh...scaryness...
I went to Taco Bell yesterday, and I got a spork. When I saw the spork, I thought of Bjork, only because they rhyme and they are both messed up in a cool way. Wait, the spork is the only one out of them that is messed up in a cool way. Bjork is just screwed up period. Aye, my aching bones. I'm going to try to do something that doesn't involve moving. Or laying down. I guess I should just stand up.
12:39 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.