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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Thursday, June 06, 2002

I had this whole long and unimportant (yet slightly funny) post last night. I typed it up, then Kellie called me. So, I deserted it. THEN, I ran to catch The Hives' performance on MTV2's $2 Bill, and I was GOING to tape it, but my phone conversation was long, then after I hung up I realised it was on. Der. Then, my mom went on the computer, Note: ON MY SCREENNAME! I came in the office and there she was, reading the survey that Stephanie sent TO ME. Not her! I stood there then said, "Um, are you reading my mail?!" She said, "Yeah, it's from Stephanie." like it was her's or something. I had to get that out of my system. I bet next she'll go on my screenname and talk to my friends. Oh lord.

Last night, there was some major thunder and lightning action going on...when I was trying to go to sleep. It was actually pretty neat to see, so I watched it while listening to my MTV2 (see a pattern?) Handpicked CD. It's crazy when the track just happened to be Idioteque by Radiohead, because well, it's Radiohead and it's insane. Lightning boomed, thunder flashed, and I was thinking about a tree crashing down after being struck by lightning and coming through my room. I don't know why, but it was exciting to hear and watch and the odd thoughts in my head were partially provoked by Thom Yorke's vocal spasms. Then I wondered what it would be like if they found my charred body with head phones still on my head and Radiohead would be playing. Whoa. I usually don't think things like that, but if that happened, that would be really weird. The whole "charred body" thing is not part of the weirdness, that's just grim.

Did you notice that I said "Lightning boomed, thunder flashed" up there? That was intentional. I wanted to see if you all were paying attention!

oOo, White Stripes on MTV Movie Awards. That = only part I will watch. I have a tape on handy...yay!

($2 Bill comes on tomorrow morning from 11-12...I'll have someone tape it, hopefully!)

5:10 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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