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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Friday, June 21, 2002

Do you know how much "<3" and "Keep on being Jacquie" IMed to me by Justin last night cheered me up?
- It made my life

Summer Reading lists just keep on getting better and better. Right now, I am reading a book about Vietnam called The Things They Carried, by Tim O'Brien. Basically, from where I am now (page 7) it has basically just been descriptions...of what different soldiers carried with them. Yawn. There was one part that was interesting though, and I think I might just quote it...

"He was dead weight. There was no twitching or flopping. Kiowa, who saw it happen, said it was like watching a rock fall, or a big sandbag or something - just boom, then down - not like the movies where the dead guy rolls around abd does fancy spins and goes ass over teakettle - not like that, Kiowa said, the poor bastard just flat-fuck fell. Boom. Down. Nothing else."

That was a description of Ted Lavender died by getting shot while he was carrying 34 rounds of ammunition plus a lot of other things. One of them was 6 or 7 ounces of premium dope...

"Then they wrapped Lavender in his poncho. They carried him out to a dry paddy, established security, and sat smoking the dead man's dope until the chopper came."


2:50 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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