Sunday, May 19, 2002
There's seriously something wrong with me. Or maybe I'm just forcing myself to not liking anything new by Weezer. As I keep listening to Maladroit, I find myself liking it more. My favorite track is "Death and Destruction." I don't know whose ass they pulled that title out of, because I don't think it really fits. The lyrics aren't all that breath-taking but the melody and everything just blends and it's really lovely. Behold:
I can't say
that you love me
so I cry
and I'm hurting
Every time,
that I call you
you find some
way to ditch me
so I learn to turn
and look the other way
so I learn to turn
and look the other way
If you heard the song you would say, golly gee, that sure is a swell little ditty. Actually, you wouldn't unless you were Mrs. McCain, the druggie art teacher at my school or a 50's housewife. I have Maladroit on random now and D&D just came on again. *sways head from side to side...whips out lighter and waves it in air...*
This is what I did last night:
1) Went to "Guiseppe's" (an Italian place) and waited forever for my 10 or so distant cousins to come. Among them was Alexandra. She's about 6 months older than me, and she looks about...20. She's not really tall, but more mature looking to me. Hmmm. Me- 14 = 12. Her- 15 = 20. I would say she has the advantage in that situation. She is incredibly pretty, and she has a boyfriend, what a surprise, who's in 10th grade. She modeled once for Seventeen back in late 1999, and because of that got a TV gig. Next to her, I look like crap. She's really nice too, and she's from Florida. She was telling me about how they have a lot of parties and she goes to clubs. Yeah...well...Pennsylvania has parties too...backyard ones. Even if we had blowout parties in high school, I wouldn't be invited anyway. The few parties people have right now I don't get invited to. (Other than b-day parties) She said high school was awesome, and one of the only bad things about it was that a lot of people die. She said a girl died last week in her school and about 6 have dies since she was there.
2) Anyway, after that we all went bowling for about two hours from about 8-10 PM. I can't bowl for crap, but it was really fun. My score for the first game was 53...yes! I accidentally chucked the ball after everything shut down and it went down the gutter and...didn't come out. Whoops...
3) As we were going home, "Iron Man" by (you should damn well know who sings that song) came on y100 and we were rocking out. There was a Burger King by the bowling alley, and my mom said, "Hey, I'm hungry, you guys want something?" (as in my brothers and I) So we went to BK and I wanted a shake, but the shake machine was broken, so I got a cherry slurpie/slushie/whatever you want to call it. Yum. Midnight BK runs are fun, and the sugar rush adds to the joy.
12:24 AM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.