Thursday, May 09, 2002
I realized that last post didn't have much of an ending, because I had to sign off last night. Oh well, too late now, I missed the blog boat.
Today in English, Ms. B made us do a group skit in which there was an intereviewer questioning the some characters from To Kill A Mockingbird. I was Scout. Kenny decided to be Goatboy from SNL as the interviewer doing "Remember the 30's" instead of "Remember the 80's." That was fun...
Kenny: So Scout, why did you wear a ham costume? Me: Well, I like ham. Ham's good. They said I had to wear a ham costume so I did. Kenny: And how do you feel about what Bow Ewell did to your father? Me: Well, if I was him, I might have spit on him too!
That doesn't sound that great, but it was entertaining improv...I mean "planned skit". I used a stupid southern kid accent the whole time. My English grade keeps getting worse, and I really don't care anymore!
I just got invited to Linda's friends blog thingymabobber! I feel so special! Click here to see it!
P.S. I still like the word Snood. Just say it. You know you want to!
9:51 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.