Tuesday, May 21, 2002
"Don't let your legs get all droopy and shit." - My uncle Billy
"And remember, hooters up!" - My grandmom
What the hell is wrong with my family. Actually, just my mom's side of the family. I am already selfconcious about my twig figure with no curves. Then, my crazy grandmom from Florida, over a phone conversation, tells me to stick my "hooters" (which are nothing) out. Then my (pothead) uncle goes and tells me that I need to have a full package when I grow up "like Jamie Lee Curtis" and my chicken legs and "boobies" will fill in soon. Grrrreat. Good thing they live in Florida, if it was any closer I would have checked myself into a clinic by now. Grandmom = colorful spaz. Uncle = homeless pothead. Yes, my family is so superior to yours I laugh. At myself.
Man, Modest Mouse is a really good indie band. Somebody (I would mention her if I had her consent) recommended songs to me, and I got them from this site that she put in an e-mail. This is good stuff, people.
I have a rhetorical question for myself: WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO SCREWED UP AND CONFUSED ABOUT EVERYTHING?! Jacquie, you stopped the drug usage, that's supposed to HELP your condition.
Drugs are bad, kids (puffs, coughs) Drugs are bad!
9:24 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.