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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

Not much to say. I watched the World Music Awards. Why? I don't know, to see foriegn people, but most of them were American artists, so blah. It was all poppy too, so eh. Whatever. I was watching Malcolm In The Middle and Control Freak at the same time, so it made my night somewhat worth while. The Hives, "Hate To Say I Told You So" lost on Control Freak by about 15% ( :( ) but then at 9:00 when everything was over, they played it on MTV2, just for music videos!!! I called up Dana because she likes all the music I show her (The White Stripes, Phantom Planet) and I figured, hey, why not Swedish punk rock? Plus, the lead singer is cute! (and Swedish!) She said for some odd reason her TV stopped at channel 63 and MTV2 is 65! Damn! I was sitting there drooling and she was being deprived of the glorious...Hives-ness. I put the phone up to the TV for the last 30 seconds. Oh well, I'll have to buy the CD now and give it to her to borrow. Haha. By the way, I played Spider Solitaire for hours on end today, while listening to all my downloads and The White Stripes. Fun stuff. Addicted? Oui.

9:46 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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