Monday, April 29, 2002
I haven't posted lately, because, I don't know. I guess I'll sum up what has happened since I last posted which was...last Monday! Wow. Ok, Tuesday...can't remember. Wednesday, I would have posted when I was online, but I felt like crap and I had some sort of stomach thing. I've had this "thing" before. My mom was thinking Mono, while my uncle thought I had an ulcer from stress. I was thinking an ulcer, and I told that to mom, and she said, "How come you always get this stomach problem on MY week?" (My parents are separated, every other week custody deal) Hmmm...maybe because she is the biggest source of stress for me in my life! So on Thursday, I stayed home and watched reruns of The Osbournes and other high quality television programming. Friday, I guess nothing much in school, if something did happen, it went over my head.
Friday night was fun. Stephanie, Lauren, Danielle, Jenna, Mike, Adam, Kara, Vanessa, and Possita, er, me went to see The Scorpion King (it was pretty good) then went to The Coffee Beanery afterwards. Stephanie, like me, is not a coffee drinker AT ALL, so we sat at a booth and picked up a used spoon we found. We had all sorts of fun with it! We were practicing our catapult techniques with that and a dime. We had 3 different launching styles: 1) the "pull back the end" one, 2) "Edge of table" 3) and "foot catapult". We didn't actually officially name them, I just did that. We went outside and stomped on the spoon and the dime went pretty far. We found that next door was a pizza place! Why couldn't we have gone there! So then we thought about how far my dome topped mini lip gloss would go, because it fit the curviture of the spoon, and I think right now I will try that...no I shouldn't. I'd probably end up abusing a pet...Soooo.
Saturday, I didn't do much, and Sunday...dun dun DUN was THE piano recital. Fear it! I had to play at the Family Of God Lutheran Church at 2:00. Usually, when my mom says she'll show up at one of my events, she doesn't and I like it that way. However, this time she not only showed up, but she also brought her dull beau Brian, and a camcorder. Vicki, my piano teacher/ therapist said to me...
Vicki: Smile! It's not that bad!
Me: (hunched over and frowning) My mother is here.
Vicki: That's a good thing!
Me: No....it's not. (goes sits down in assigned seat before the parental unit approaches me)
I sat down before anyone else and zoned out, hoping my mom wouldn't screw this day up anymore than it was going to be if I messed up my song. A tad self-doubting? Yes. So Mother-Of-the-Year approached me and cooked up some small talk about my stomach, the weekend, yada yada. Then she said I looked tired and I said I had allergies and my eyes were all itchy and teary that morning. Then, just for my amusement and some shock value I said, "Do my eyes looked glazed over? (she nodded) Because they did this morning, like I was stoned or something." My mom's no normal housewife or anything, but she said, "Jacqueline..." in a "tisk tisk" manner. Hah. She left after attempting to kiss me, ug, and I sat there and just muttered to myself. A little later I looked back and saw her setting up the camera (NO!) and Brian sat there with this stupid childish grin as if to say haha. WHY ME?! So, this recital wasn't really long because most of the people went at the 4:00 one. Out of 23 performers, I went 17th. It was fun to see all the little cute kids, and once again the 15,976 Cain children (ok, only 4/6 went in this one). I was sneezing during the 16th person's song and I pictured myself trying to play the piano while have a sneezing fit. I stopped, and did a silent "phew!" I went on and plopped down and paused for 10 seconds then started. I banged it out with the dynamics the best as I could remembering the little mental technique (haha) I used to give the song an extra punch. I wasn't concentrating on how good I sounded, just so long as I didn't screw up. I might have really done well because Vicki's husband, and two other people said I sounded awesome, one guys said "You really kicked the song". Hmm. Well, now my mom can brag to all the people at work how talented her daughter (who she yells at constantly and makes her life a living hell because she am SuperBitch) is. Free food at the end, yum! So that ends my weekend saga. Yawn.
Today, I wore a funky outfit, and it seems I do that every Monday now. Whatever, you don't care about my clothing, I'll stop. In French class, Katie and I started cracking up because we were planning on repeating things really loudly and wrong. When Madame Bowers called on me I was laughing and pronouncing whatever the phrase was really loud and wrong. It was great! Then we played Bingo and we didn't win! AH! It's not fair! The last thing she called was my name, for O, and I needed Katie's! So I got home and rocked out to a burned Weezer CD of different songs. I scared my cat away during "Let's Sew Our Pants Together"...and she was outside. Boo-yeah! I never realized how much I like "I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams." "Velouria" has to be one of the best Weezer songs, I mean covers, but their version kicks ass. I can't find my bootlegged Weezer tape! First, I couldn't find the MTV2 Extended Midget Tour tape w/El Scorcho and Say It Ain't So on it, now this. It's a conspiracy, Scott Stapp took it.
Good news: The Hives' video, "Hate To Say I Told You So" is handpicked on MTV2. This means they will be playing it A LOT! Yay!
5:42 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.