Sunday, April 07, 2002
I feel like I should be locked away for life and flogged twice a day for what I did. I have NOT posted FOR A WEEK! What the hell is my problem?! Somebody slap me. Is it because I am actually getting a life? No, that can't. The day I get a life is the day that Joan Rivers stops getting face lifts. I know, that would be never. But, today I stand before all of you and admit this shocking statement: "I don't hate the Green Album as much as I thought I did..." (this is when everyone gasps...ok, thanks) Yes, I never thought I would come to that realization, but since I haven't even listened to it since August, I don't know what I'm saying. I pretend it's not Weezer and it's a pretty good power pop album. Enough about that, let's get to the good stuff I promised Lauren...
1) Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
You better believe it, foo.
2) Today I discovered this site, called The Friday Five. They make up five questions each week that you can post and answer on webblogs. So I decided, hey, why not take a crack at it? This also was a decision made to amuse myself. Heeeeeeeere we go!
1. What are the first things that you do in the morning to start your day?
I crack my back (Jen, why do you make me do these things!) I also hit the snooze button about 4 times before dragging my lazy ass out of bed. Then I decide what to wear and do makeup, if any. All of this takes about an hour. Oh yeah, sometimes I eat, what do you call it? Oh, breakfast. Then I run to get the bus but end up sitting there for about 3 minutes which I could have used to procrastinate more.
2. What are the last things that you do at night before going to bed?
I brush my teeth, take out my fro, get dresses. I have gotten into a habit of secretly listening to a CD without any people knowing until I tire myself out then fall asleep. Pinkerton, The White Stripes, and Dashboard Confessional are my most recent sleepy CD's. I know that's not the most soothing music to lull you to sleep with, but remember, I'm psycho, so screaming suits me just fine, thank you.
3. What daily routine have you recently added to your day?
Blogging! Before this, I would just go to the same (Weezer and or Rock-Queenrelated) sites and wonder, "Will I ever *tear* find anything worth while, or even get a hobby?" Now, with Blogger, I can get all that and more! Order now...wait...is this starting to sound like a testimonial? Damn you late night informercials.
4. What routine do you wish you get rid of?
I guess attempting to tame my "mane", as my mom refers to it as. It's a fro, and I should just leave it alone. I tried straightening it yesterday, and it only made it shiny. If I shaved my head, I think it would be much easier. If I cut it, it will poof even MORE! What do I do? I know, I'll let my brother cut it. So then I could officially die a lovable insane person. *Sigh*
5. What's the one thing that makes you feel like something is missing if you don't do it some point within your day?
Blogging! Wait, didn't I already say that? Well it can be the answer to two questions. If I don't blog, then I feel the need to make it up by doing a double one, then it gets to be very tedious and then I take some medication and talk to my friend Gary, my galoot. Ok, I think you get the point. When I don't blog, it makes my day incomplete and it's like a journal so it's like I lost the day and won't remember it again. Ever. Buahahahaokiamdone.
There it is kiddies. I will (try to) do this every Friday, but if not, I'll do a belated one like today. The questions are different every week, so you will find out more about me, I guess. Or don't read them and miss out on how much of a life I DON'T have.
My aunt one 1st prize in a photo contest at the Churchville Nature Center in the "People" catagory last night. Woohoo! It was cool to see all the different photos, and a lot of high-schoolers entered it. It got me thinking...photography was always an interest of mine. It would be really fun and interesting. With my "creativity" (bizarre way of thinking) I could really make some odd things. Then I would hang them in my room and either scare people or get hired by a commercial agency. Why would a commercial agent be in my room? I have no idea. I was going to say something else, but screw it.
9:22 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.