| I'm a Ska fangirl Yeah yeah...most of the good bands either broke up or sold out, but I still enjoy SKAnkin' up a storm. |
What kind of fangirl are you?
Uh, sure I am. Go ska. Woo. Oh! That scared me, the trash truck pulled up, and I thought it was my little brothers getting off their bus. Phew! Good, I can have some peace for the next 45 minutes. A LOT happened that I haven't blogged about because:
1) I was sick.
2) I was finishing up assessment.
3) I'm a lazy bastard.
Yeah. So here's a re-cap of what happened in the past 6 WHOLE DAYS...
Yeah. Kind of forget. Ok, I went to school. Blahness. I went over Steph's house after Chieftains to practice for assessment. Teusday, I forgot to mention the DETENTION I recieved from my homeroom teacher, Frau Tallman, for not bringing in an excuse note the day after I came back from my (cough cough) sickness. Kids, she made up this rule. So, Wednesday..er..today, my mom went in and complained about it. No detention for Jacquie. Eat a bratwurst, Tallman! So anyway, during practice, I was coughing uncontrollably. :( This was not fun. I had to present our assessment project the next day...
Dun dun DUN! Assessment. (Insert Western showdown music here). This is it. So we went. Kick some major judge panel ass! Our torturous and laborious path to this day payed off. Except..whoa. It's over. I feel like there's more to it, but HEY! I'm not complaining. Afterwards, we went to Applebees to celebrate. Man, the dude who makes balloon animals for people there ROCKS! We (Steph, Kellie, Jess, Lindsay, Nadia, me) all got animals. I got a blue monkey, I named him Bob. If the whole world had balloon monkeys named Bob, the world woulf be a better place. The final bill...$88. Yikes! That's actually not that bad if you consider that's between 6 hungry teenage girls. After that I went to bed. Ahhh...victory is shweet.
Cough. Sputter. Gag. I feel like shiznit. I stayed home today. Did not do much. Went outside. About 70 degrees. Talking in fragments. Is fun. Watched TV. Rockin my Felix shirt and sweat pants. Went to Dad's. Felt bad still. Went to bed early. Dance tonight. Jacquie can't go. She looks and feels like someone lit her on fire, then put it out with a rake. Tommorow should be better. Maybe a non-fragment day.
I feel a little better. My life does not fully suck now. Yeah, listening to Phantom Planet helps. People, go out and get their CD, The Guest. It's wonderful. I am Alex Greenawald's wife, so maybe I am being biased. Nah. Finally got dressed and took a shower at 3. Once again, Jacquie looks rockin. A yellow "Here Comes Trouble Shirt", mom's old blue track pants. Yeaya. I decided to paint my nails a bold Barbie pink. Go me. I also felt an urge to give myself a makeover (make myself look like crap). So I did. Nice eyeshadow job. Why thank you oh so much, Jacquie. The highlight of the day: MTV2 did a show called "Firsts", which was that they played the first videos from big artists. Who did they play...? OH YEAH! Weezer love is plentiful at MTV2, I can assure you. Y100, too. So, they played "Undone (The Sweater Song)". Yeah, you would have been crazy too. That video, sigh, there's nothing about it you can hate. Rivers Cuomo still had a floppy mop for hair and big glasses (super uber-nery cute!). Matt looks like he's going to cry (like in all the videos). He snaps his fingers and sits on the floor. AW! Brian, um, trying to hard to "rock out." (Makes a complete ass of himself in the process.) And who can forget Pat, the little mentally challenged 20 something guy. He wears big headphones, puffs his cheeks while "drumming." He also does a butt wiggle dance. HE IS ALSO SUPPOSED TO FALL ON THE FLOOR AFTER RUNNING AROUND THE DRUMSET, BUT MTV2 HAD THE NERVE TO CUT IT SHORT! WHY?!?!?! Ok, I'm done. Twitch.
Woke up at 12. Actually, that's a lie. That's when I decided to get my lazy ass up. Watched TV a lot. Decided to work on my Rivers Cuomo PowerPoint project for computer. Shhh, I'm supposed to only do it at school! I'm bad to the bone. So, I pretty much finished it, and it looks beautiful. (Tear). Well, it's Rivers, what can I say. I tried to do that while my (loud) dad was watching NASCAR with my brothers. I swear, I hate that crap. Cars that go around in a circle like 250 times. WHO LIKES THAT? Apparently, a lot of people. What has this world become? Whatever. Once again, MTV2 showed that wonderful wonderful video. Ahhh. Geek goodness. Very therapeudic.
Eh, Monday. Monday. Why do they have to suck. Oh yeah, going back to school. Forgot for a minute there. We played volleyball in gym today. Go me! I am as bad at volleyball as Lauren is at wording things. Today, she was talking about smelling her legs which smelled good because she put Ralph Lauren moisturizer on them. So I said my nose is stuffed (which I guess she didn't here!) and I can't smell. She said, "Are you mutated?" HAHA! That was good, Ralph. Nothing much else happened. OH, Go Fish in French. I so whooped Ryan and Mike's asses on that. They are in denile, but look. I got 3 matches, and Mike got 1, Ryan 2. See, I so rule. Not to boast or anything...It wasn't a huge win, like last year. Oh man, that was crazy. Me, Anthony and Kevin were so into it. Good times. So now, I'm here. That's all for now!
4:12 PM | Jacquie |