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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Thursday, March 21, 2002

I already HAVE ugly hair. Oh well. She is tiny, so we're like two pees in a pop-pod. Yeah. Ok, you know what. EVERYONE needs to go
here and take the quizzes. Click "bordom" and "quizzes" and you'll be in store for bunches of fun! The quiz result shown above was linked from there. By popular demand (Dana) I posted this. I also need to post those songs me and Dana wrote. Let me go get them. B*otch. Ok, here they are (ow I banged into my door). Dana and I wrote this one:

(To the tune of "The Ballad Of Sweeny Todd")

The Spasm of H___, Mr.

Attend the Spasm of H____, Mr.

He drank so much soda he had to piss

But what if all of his caffiene was gone?

He'd resort to dope, needles and bongs

He drank so much he had to piss, does H___, Mr.

The wired teacher of T...MS

He kept his coffee in a pot

Smoked Cuban cigars and screamed a lot

And what if somebody found his stash?

He'd lose all his earnings he's traded for hash...

He smoked and screamed and shook his fist, does H____, Mr.

The wired teacher of T...MS

His French accent can kiss my ass

He's a Russian Commie who teaches our class

And what if his Nissan gets hit in the hood?

He kicks all their asses, smokes weed in the woods

He thinks he's gay, we get the gist, this H____, Mr.

The wired teacher of T...MS

God forbid we talk in his class

If we ever think that we could pass

And just in case we're having fun

He assigns key terms through 101

The stick up his ass he always does kiss, this H____, Mr.

The wired teacher of T...MS

...and this is Dana's wonderful creation

(To the tune of "Broadway Baby")

Half-Dead Lady


Half-Dead Lady!

Never leave this freaking chair...

God forbid I wash my hair

Let alone go hoooooome, ooOOooOOOo

Someday maybe

I'll buy a pair of shoes on sale

That'll cover my decaying toenails!

Or I'll get an operation

We can have a celebration

When I get off my fat ass!

Ok, for all of the people who have NO idea what these are about, let me explain. Mr. H is a caffiene high druggie who just happens to be a Social Studies teacher. He always drinks coffee and Diet Coke (depends on the time of day) and his rooms smells of it too. The "half-dead lady" would be Miss B, our...well...half-dead English teacher. She has disguesting fungus-y toesnails, and she wears sandals. Rumor has it that the fungus will spread throughout her whole body and she will die. Today she wore sandals AND pantyhose. A most unusual combination, I know. Well, there's the scoop on these *tear* wonderful masterpieces...not to boast or anything...I'll post later if I get some hilarious test result. But for now ta-ta.

P.S. Over 500 visitors! Wowsers! Thanks a lot everyone! I can offcially have that CD party for uno.

7:04 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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