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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Saturday, March 09, 2002

FOUR DAYS! Four days I have gone without posting on here. You know what it is? No, I don't have food poisoning from eating a bad piece of meatloaf. ASSESSMENT. On friday, when re-filming the make-fun-of-Jacquie-because-she-doesn't-dress-trendy-and-such skits for assessment, these two little skateboarders were yelling things at us like "Stupid!" Ok, they were like 9. I am like...not. Therefore, they should shut the hell up before I tell their mommies and have their Barney tapes taken away from them. Today during out meeting, Dana (Wacka Jacka, Pop), Bridget (It's a candle!), Holly (Niro Niro!), and Courtney (my PDF buddy!) rode by on bikes and scooters and whatever and we talked. I cried again today at our meeting at Kellie's house. What the hell is my problem? I think I cried because I'm not liking the way the script is, honestly I really don't know. I think it's my perfectionist bit I get sometimes. I hate myself when I'm like that, I should have gotten an ass kicking, but I was spared.

Nothing much has happened since the last post, except Dana and I co-wrote a song and she wrote one herself. Actually they were parodies on two of the broadway songs we have to sing for Chieftains. "The Ballad Of Sweeny Todd" became "The Spasms of H____, Mr." and "Broadway Baby" became "Half-Dead Lady". The first was about our Social Studies teacher, Mr. H____ (co-written) and how he's a caffiene freak/druggie who is a Russian commie and has a bad French accent. Hah. The second was beautifully written by Dana about how Miss B, our English teacher, if half-dead and never gets her fat ass off her chair. They are both wonderful songs, and maybe I'll post the lyrics when I remember/get them from D. She's planning on doing a Stagerwalt version of Greased Lightning. When she does, watch out brotha, because this is going BIG!

Three things that were interesting at church:

1) The Priest's way of explaining black and white being associated with good and evil:
"For example, cowboys in old western films. The good guy always wore a white cowboy hat and the baddies wore black ones. In Star Wars, Darth Vader is dressed in black and the beautiful Princess Leia (he pronounced it Lee-ya) wore white."
(I think the priest has a thing for Leia...hmmmm)

2) In the church book, there is a section in the back about exorcisms. Whoa man.

3) The lady in front of us had cool hair. She weaved it and it looked really neato. My uncle and I concluded it was a wig because the un-weaved hair was pulled in, and was gray. Whereas the wig was more of a blonde color. It also looked a little fake. But I still give mad props to the weave lady. Yo.

6:36 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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