Sunday, March 31, 2002
FDDDS (see 3/28) Status: I gots me a dress! I am so happy. After searching everywhere at the Montgomery Mall on Friday for about 3 hours, I found one at Sears. Yes, the home of power tools. It is really pretty, and I hope that I don't sound like a priss or anything talking about dresses. Well, I AM called a priss everyday by someone (Russell). Anyway, it's like a peach satiny thing, with one strap (ooo risque!) and it's fairly long. Freshman Day is my birthday (which is also Flag Day, by the way). That's June 14th, so if anyone wants to wish me a happy one, hint hint, do so. I don't know if I should give out my e-mail and screename or not. On AOL, I've been having an issue with too many e-mails from like porno sites. Ew. My aunt is all cautious now, so I'm actually thinking twice about opening e-mails. (I do open some occasionally, the ones from people I don't know, to check if they are people who changed their screename or something.)
At the moment, I am watching Rugrats. My brother stole the remote (or "zapper" as we refer to it as) after he gave it to me and I put on Comedy Central. He claimed "I don't like this, change it" before he stole the remote that little creep I am going to make him a rugrat when I punch him down into the floor. Note to self: anger management classes at 6:30 at the township building on Tuesdays. ok. right. So, I have trained my little brothers (7 and 8) to be a MTV2 freak like me. You better believe it! Here's an example of what my "training" has done:
(Scene: Kyle (7) on couch watching MTV2, Dad in kitchen. Dad tells Kyle to eat vitamin C tablet, because he forgot to at breakfast.)
Dad: Kyle, come into the kitchen and take your vitamin C. You forgot to take it at breakfast.
Kyle: Wait Dad, after this song.
Did you see that?! Any other kid would either say ok, then run in and take it, or find an other excuse to not take it. But not my Kyle. He is so MTV2 inclined it's amazing. At his age I was listening to oldies and watching TLC and Nick Jr. I wish someone clued me in on other things. I'm his Musical Mentor. No Britney for Kyle, he listens to Linkin Park, Papa Roach, Gorillaz, etc. When he said that, he was watching the X-Ecutioners feat. Mike Shinoda and Mr. Hahn from Linkin Park. He listens to heavier rock than I do! I'm a wussy Weezette. And darn proud of it!
This afternoon when eating Oodles of Noodles (I can live off of that stuff for life), Kyle called the "freezer" a "freezure". Almost like a freezer/seizure. Then I added Freezer Seizure to "The List Of Names I Would Name A Band If I Had A Band" list. Last night I got Albequerque Turkey from a commercial. I hope those people don't sue me if I use that someday. I also have Toxic Nail if I were to go heavy metal or goth. That came from assessment when I was coloring my nail with a black Sharpie and I was huffing the toxic "non-toxic" fumes coming from my nail. That Sharpie took forever to come off of my thumbnail. In Communication Tech, I got a name of a festival in which many bands, including "my band", would play at. The Techinical Powwow. Behold the ingenuity, folks. I sat down next to Brian and I think Dan, and they were doing stuff with our video, and I said, "Hey, this is like a techinical powwow!" Brian was like, "Did you just say powwow?" It was creative and spontaneous, my best material. Maybe I should do improv, like the dudes on "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" That would be fun. I'll add that to my list of things I might want to do when going into the working world. So far I have actress, teacher (I guess science), musician (piano? lead vocals sounds nice though, but if only I could sing). That's about all. I used to want to be an author, but then realized I completely lost the will and talent to write anything in 7th grade. I also wanted to be a banker for some reason when I was really young. I don't know why. Once again, a result of my disturbed childhood. Actually, disturbed life in general.
Kellie and I walked to Bridget's house yesterday. Fun. At one point, we layed in the street and looked at the clouds. Then Bridget rollerbalded away, and we went to Dana's house. If she was there, which she wasn't, then she would have thought some stalker was at the door. We rang the doorbell like 6 times, and I knocked too. The we layed on her driveway for about a minute then left. Stalking? Perhaps. Later, we didn't do much. We watched The Princess Diaries, my life story except about the whole princess shananigans. I even have the frizzy hair.
Mmmmm. I smell the "Easter Ham" cookin' away in the kitchen. My dad put pinapple on it, ahhh the mouth-watering aroma of Easter Hams. Hey Dana, does that ring a bell? (Except for the different holiday). Sorry people, inside joke. Ew. Ew. Ew. My brother went to MTV and it was the new Creed video. Animated Scott Stapp shirtless. Another way to become sick in 5 seconds or less.
5:32 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.