Wednesday, February 06, 2002
Today in Communication Technology, this kid, Igor, stuck his two middle fingers up on camera. The thing was, it was hooked up to the TV and everyone saw it! He got in BIG trouble by Mr. Taylor, who is really funny when he's mad. He calls me "Jack-QUIE" because of the weird way I spell it, and this girl in my class, Danielle, thought he called me "Jack weed." Haha! Comm. Tech is very...interesting. I still call him Mr. Tay Tay, which I don't think I made up, I think someone who LEFT TO GO TO ORCHESTRA did. That means you Jenn. One time, Mr. Taylor ran out of undershirts, so he wore a white "Bayer" t-shirt under his shirt and you could see through his shirt on top, which was light yellow. I accused him of promoting drug usage and called him Bayer Man for about 2 weeks. He is so fun to pick on! He said Jackass today, right after he told us about his rule on no cursing, so I said "Now you have to stay after school with yourself!" Good times, good times.
7:25 PM | Jacquie |