Sunday, February 10, 2002
This weekend was very eventful. First off, I saw I Am Sam on friday night. It was very sad, yet I did not cry the entire time. Odd, sometimes I just cry for no reason. Then Kellie, Jess and I went to Friendles and I got a drink, but my great uncle came in and embarrased me indirectly. I didn't even care that the "popular people" were in the next booth, go me. Well, I really don't care about anything anymore. A memorable quote from Friday night:
Jess: My right eye won't stop crying! The left one isn't, and this one won't stop. Do you have any tissues?
Saturday: Oh my. Assessment...ASSessment time. 4 hours at the Doylestown Library works up a teens appetite like you can't believe. 20 bibliographies, much highlighting, and a lot of anal retentive BS from yours truly, all four of us (Kellie, Jess, Steph, and moi) were famished. Jess and I went to her grandmom's house where I ate like a pig. Damn, here veggie soup is good. mmm mmm good! Then I slept over Jess's house, and we went to Redner's and she got a Teen People magazine with BS on the cover. (figure that one out kiddies) and I got to rip out a mighty fine picture of Chris Carraba of Dashboard Confessional to take home. Ahhh. Do you know Britney Spears is trying to ruin my life??? Ok, while at Jess's, we were looking at the magazine with HER on the cover. THEN we turned on the TV and she was on a Crossroads commercial. Then, I turned it to Nick, and she was on All That! NO! Then, I turned it to SNL...SHE WAS THERE! THEN, we saw her again on a commercial! AHHHH! Some quotes from Saturday:
Me: You know what I feel like doing...HIGHLIGHTING! (trying to get people on task, I'm such a hypocrite)
Kellie: What is that woman doing to that little girl??
Sunday...ok today: Woke up at Jess's. Had problems getting up, like usual. Nuttin much happened, watched All Star B-Ball on MTV, and Jess loves this Timberwolves dude named Wally something. He is really hot, I agree Jess. Then, we did key terms and I left. I went to go get craft stuff to decorate my pimpette hat for Mardi Gras for French class. Jacquie be pimpin' yo. Ok, I'll stop. Then I went to Diane and Dave, my godfather's, house. I had a blast. Their 4 year old son, Keith, is a demon. He scares me. Him, Mike, Scott and Kyle were running around with lead pipes and sticks. Grrrrreat. Then we went to dinner with my mom's boyfriend and his two kids. Old Country Buffet has very...interesting...people in it. This one lady had a feathery hat. Then across the parking lot to Target we went. I got an MTV2 handpicked CD. It has Screaming Infidelities in it, yes! I saw these really cool (adult) pj's with candy on them. Examples: Sweet tarts, Twister, Sugar Daddies, Hot Tamalies, Cooties...etc. Then I went to my aunt's house and we had family bonding time (watching Malcolm in the Middle around the boob tube). Now I'm here, and listening to my new CD. That's my weekend in a nutshell.
10:00 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.