Wednesday, February 06, 2002
"Sweaters that are our loneliness, which is a dilusion. Sweaters that imasculate, creating confusion...Sweaters of lycra. Sweaters of spandex...We don't need the sweater, walk through the sweater! The sweaters that murders, that maraudes! (sp?) The sweaters that take over our lives and remind us that we don't like the way that we walk! Sweaters. Walk through the sweater apocalipse and find your own warmth." - Tim Levitz, guest appearance on the acoustic "Undone (The Sweater Song). The guy gets hyped up on sweaters. They are clothing made of fabric. We wear them. They don't take over our lives and create confusion. The guy has the most ANNOYING nasal voice. Especially when he says maraudes or however the hell you spell that. It's so funny when he says "You are all a reminder to the Earth of what it's capable of. You are all reasons, spinning, rational, LACKADAISCAL (my favorite word!), irrational."
7:12 PM | Jacquie |