Tuesday, February 05, 2002
I think this is going to be a long post. I have a lot on my mind. Today in math class, Jen expressed her feelings on my abnormalities. She said I wasn't normal because I obsess over Weezer and I like MTV2. Then I said, "What is YOUR definition of normal? Some pop brainwashed loser who watches TRL?" "Hey loser, I like that show, all of the normal people do." "Carson Daly, what an idiot." "Shut up." Jen and I attempt to insult each other every second we get. Then she said, "I bet if everyone liked Weezer, you wouldn't!" That made me think. I probably wouldn't, because then Weezer would become the pop that I was trying to escape from. Weezer is my pop escape which I needed, and it happened by accident almost. No, I think it was fate. I was fed up with manufactured "talents" and the first chords of "Say It Ain't So" just blew my mind. Finally, a group I could actually enjoy that wasn't overplayed on MTV and the radio. MTV2 is awesome, because they play "uncool" music a lot, which is cool because some unheard non-mainstream talented people get a chance to be heard. I dig that, as my pothead uncle would say.
7:18 PM | Jacquie |