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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Monday, February 25, 2002

I am so glad I didn't have any homework to do tonight. I had QUITE a road trip this evening. First off, I had to go to the orthodontist. Blah blah colors changed blah. Then, we went to The Hidaway (now referred to as the Fireaway) which caught fire this afternoon at 1:30. My mom works there every so often appart from her new job as a special ed. teacher. ("For shits and giggles.") My mom hasn't been there for 2 weeks, and her cell phone and fan were in there. 14 different fire companies showed up, even though it's a fairly small place. It's been there since 1944, so it has a background history. From the outside, it didn't look bad, but it was dark outside and it was the internal damage that was horrible. We looked in the kitchen where IT was char broiled, not the food. Also, a back trailer where apparently the fire started was destroyed. The bar area wasn't really destroyed badly, so some bottles of wine, whisky, etc. were still there. I got a non-mequite flavored coke, and some of the people showed up, including my mom and the owner Ron, were finishing off some of the drinks. My mom had to drive, so only a tad. Ron didn't seem too upset at the moment, because he's an optomistic guy. He's irish, and has/had a bar, how much happier could he get. Earlier, his wife Thea showed up and had a spaz attack, or so I heard. People who came by were devastated, and my mom said it was a nice place (I've never been in it until now, go figure), and it wasn't fansy, but fun. Like Ron. Some people think Ron was burning leaves and it caught the trailer on fire. My mom said that once, Ron burned some of the back yard through leaf burning. One of the dudes there went to Tamanend ("Back when it was a Junior High, before the elementary school and then back again") One guy kept saying "Bloody Hell" a lot. Oh yes, the expletives were flying among shocked regulars and the ones who didn't quite realized what had happened yet. Like Ron. Quote: "It could have been worse!" Oh brother.

9:21 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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