Tuesday, February 12, 2002
I almost had a freaking heart attack when I carried my schoolbag up the staris. Whew, that was more of a workout than Tae Bo! No, not really, Billy Banks knows how to get me to "work it" and "squeeze that ass". I just watched one of my favorite shows, Jeopardy, and it was the Teen Tournament. I answered 23 questions right! Party on! Also, my personal favorite friends, The Dance Company Of Pennsylvania sent me a letter. How long ago did I quit...? I bet they never destroy any of their files on ex-dancers-who-quit-because-they-didn't-like-nazis-teaching-them-how-to-ruin-their-feet-and-lives-by-living-at-a-frickin-dance-studio. That file must be HUGE.I'll run and get the letter and quote some of my favorite lines from that oh-so-amusing beg letter.
7:42 PM | Jacquie |