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Life of the Bored and Taskless.

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

The greatest thing happened today. Some kids were playing basketball today after school and the ball hit Mr. H's car several times. His poor poor Nissan. There were about 5 marks and 3 scratches, 1 reeeally long one (as I've heard). Those people are in deep shit because Mr. H is a caffiene high freak and they will all be punished heavily I'm sure. Mr. H went outside and was shocked then angered. He yelled at the kids and took out a pencil and identifyed the spots on the car where the ball hit. That is so him. Holly yelled "Go get em' Mr. H!" Mr H: "Don't make things worse right now." Pissed he was. We sat and watched the hullabaloo and Dan came over and high 5ed Holly, Amanda and I. Then I told him he looked like Ashton Kutcher (because he does) and Amanda agreed. I swear this is the quote of the day. Allie was talking to me and looking at Dan and he was holding a bagel each hand. We call him "man pretty." She claims he also holds a juice box in each hand but he didn't do that today. She said "How can you not like someone who holds a bagel and a juice box in each hand?" That is so true. You can't help but liking them.

8:24 PM | Jacquie | 0 comments


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