Saturday, February 23, 2002
AHHHHHHHH! WEEZER ROCK BLOCK ON Y100! (bouncing around at 11:30 like a giddy schoolgirl) SO far it's
Hash Pipe...SAY IT AIN'T SO! My aunt just came upstairs and said it sounded like someone was going through the ceiling. Whoops. I took off my shoes now. My air guitar is done, because now it's The Good Life, the acoustic version. Awww yeah. Rock on! I miss Matt Sharp. Rivers sounds like he's going to die. Ahhh, the days when Weezer were considered "emo" instead of "power pop". Little Brian sounds as high as I sing when singing Soprano. Aww. y100 kicks Creed's ass! (They are playing Creed right now, that ruined my giddyness.)
11:41 PM | Jacquie |