Sunday, January 13, 2002
My weekend was nutz. if anyone cares. But...first was the lock-in at the Warwick Fire Hall. I wouldn't mind to be locked in the lead singer of the band, Kurios ("with one K and 1 U!")...he rocked my socks. And he was deep...yes! OH man. After Kurios played, a 10th grade band, Critical Breakdown (the name of my life story), played. But not ONLY did they "play monkey play!"..haha...the grinch rox...um, anyway, they ALSO played hashpipe...and attempted to play Undone (The Sweater Song). This made my life. It was the effort that counted. Then we stayed up late and watched movies such as Shrek ("do YOU know the muffin man?") and The Grinch ("I want diamonds, I want (forget)..I want a pony so I can ride it twice, get bored with it, and send it to a factory SO IT CAN BECOME GLUE!"). Then I fell asleep around 3 and woke up at 7. Ate a brownie and 1/2 a bagel. Too cold, brr. Talking in fragments is fun. I went home. Tired. Yawn. Wait, this was yesterday. Last night I slept for 12 hours and I woke up and my body ached. Ouchers. I went to a family thing, and I didn't know it was possible for me to have a ghetto cousin. But I do! No, he doesn't have ghetto booty, perv. He's cool, and he got like 9 detentions this year (he's in 6th grade), and he was supposed to get 3 suspensions. Whoa. He's a cool kid, and he's not a delinquent. NOT a delinquent. Everyone else there was either 2 or 200 years old. Just my luck. But Andrew rocked the hizouse.
9:20 PM | Jacquie |
Me in a tree. Circa 1990.
Blog Buddies.
Fight the Boredom!
Ancient Ramblings.
End Credits.